Michael Perelman wrote:

>In any case, I have believed for some
>time that we are going into a
>recession.  I think that people are
>going to be more receptive of left

I believe that we are heading into a recession, but the questions are:

1.  What kind of recession?  Mild or severe?  Just the USA or 
dragging down the rest of the world?  What may be the trigger?  When 
will it come?

2.  Will Americans be really more receptive of left ideas in the 
event of recession?  If so, which kind of left ideas?  Given the main 
currents of Seattle & like movements as well as the Nader/Green 
campaign, is the likely winner -- *if* left-wing ideas gain more 
currency at all -- a protectionist America-First politics in the name 
of "social-clause, fair-trade" high-mindedness, with or without more 
China bashing?


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