Henwood erupts:
"As anyone who watches the regular CNBC appearances of supply-sider 
(and Reagan OMB alum) Larry Kudlow - introduced by Squawk Box host 
Mark Haines the other morning as "America's best-loved living 
economist" - the PC is an evil dogma that has the Fed in its grip. He 
almost sounds like an EPI staffer or Tom Schlesinger in his populist 
celebration of strong growth, and his populist condemnation of a 
bunch of deluded central bankers who want to spoil everyone else's 
fun. . . . "

Another great moment in the annals of reductionism.

Tom Schlesinger is a great American.  Even greater
than Doug Henwood, and almost as great as me.

Every left position can be matched with some evil
twin analog in capitalist ideology.  And as soon
as I figure out what DH's position is, I'll identify
that analog.

Every position also has some primitive reflection.
Sometimes the reflection is deliberately constructed
for political purposes, either friendly or otherwise.

I'm comfortable with a reflection that is boiled
down to, "income good, banks bad."  I am decidedly
uncomfortable with one that goes, 'growth bad,
banks o.k."

Pick your rocks, and take your twenty paces.


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