Aha, now it can be told.  Keyne's macro heresies were just a sublimation of his
deep-seated anti-semitism...


Doug Henwood wrote:

> Peter Dorman wrote:
> >Brad, I think the context of this discussion should make it clear that the
> >distinction hovers loosely around Keynes, who flirted with it.  The issue is
> >not the evils of finance, bankers, cosmopolitan Jews (of which I am one),
> >etc., but analytically whether the channeling of finance to markets in
> >existing assets can have an impact on the flow of new goods and services.
> Keynes, CW, vol 9, p. 259: "I do not mean that Russian Communism
> alters, or even seeks to alter, human nature, that it makes Jews less
> avaricious or Russians less extravagant than they were before."
> Doug

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