The Center for Ideas and Society at U.C. Riverside would like to alert recent Ph.D.s to the following fellowship opportunity.  This is an excellent opportunity and if you are interested, please contact us at the address below.

Steve Cullenberg

U.C. Riverside Center for Ideas & Society
Rockefeller Residency Site

Multi-Year, Multi-Theme Project:

MIGRATION, IMMIGRATION AND Cultural Transformation

January through June 2002:
Two $35,000 Residency Fellowships

Applicants' projects should address the research theme for 2001-2002:

Migration, Immigration, and
Social Transformations

Applications Due in Triplicate February 1, 2001:
(Send by mail only; no faxes or email attachments)
n Cover Sheet
Name; address; office and home phone numbers; fax number; email address; institutional title and affliation or indication of independent scholar status; brief project title

n Letter of Application

n Project Description
8 pages maximum; 12 point font; double-spaced, with 1 inch margins

n Curriculum Vitae

n Additional Requirements:
Two confidential letters of recommendation from referees qualified to comment on the applicant's project, due February 1, 2001

Mail To:

Center for Ideas and Society
1150 University Avenue
227 C Highlander Hall
U.C. Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521

For more information see:
or Contact Trudy Cohen at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Phone: 909-787-3987

Stephen Cullenberg             
Professor of Economics       
University of California          
Riverside, CA 92521            

Office:  909-787-5037, ext. 1573
Fax:    909-787-5685

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