The Washington Post January 28, 2001

Put the Deregulation Genie Back in the Bottle

by Gregory Palast

Cambridge, England -- As the lights go out over California, state
politicians are in a Henny Penny panic that the two big local power
companies, Southern California Edison (SCE) and Pacific Gas & Electric
Co. (PG&E), will collapse into bankruptcy. Not me: I can't think of
anything that would more joyously combine historical justice and good
public policy.
Why justice? Because SCE and PG&E executives, eager to reap the
profits of deregulation, were in the forefront of the army of industry
lobbyists fighting to establish the system that got California into this
And why good public policy? Because letting the utilities go bankrupt
could be the first step toward returning California to the system of
government price regulation that has given America some of the cheapest
and most reliable electricity in the world. Regulation may be politically
unfashionable, but it works.
Over the past three decades, as a consultant to 19 state
governments, I've seen electricity price regulation from the inside. The
U.S. process is unique in the world. In open hearings, consumer groups,
competitors or anyone off the street can pore over a utility company's
account books, cross-examine the company's executives and question
the regulators' staff. Based on that evidence, public utility commissions
set a price per kilowatt hour based on verified costs plus a small, tightly
controlled profit for shareholders. It's a litigious, messy business, prone
political manipulation, just as its critics say. But that's true of any
democratic process.
The so-called deregulation movement seeks to replace this open,
participatory, American system -- one that's been astonishingly effective
for nearly a century -- with something conceived and designed in
Margaret Thatcher's England and launched there in 1990. (Sorry,
California, this is one fad you didn't think of first.) A number of
including Brazil and Chile, mimicked the British system. And California
swallowed it whole.
This is how the British system works. First, electricity businesses are
split into "generators" and "distributors" -- the first owning the power
plants, the second the wires transmitting the power. (During this part of
the deregulation process, SCE and PG&E gleefully sold off many of their
generating plants -- built with ratepayers' money -- and pocketed the
proceeds.) Then something called a "power pool" is established. Every
day, generators bid the price at which they will supply electricity to the
pool at a certain hour of the next day, say 2 cents per kilowatt hour at 4
In Britain, it didn't take long for the handful of power sellers and
traders to learn how to "game" the pool, essentially turning the daily
auction into a fixed casino. Last year, Britain's Office of Electricity and
Gas Markets concluded that collusion and manipulation of the pool had
become standard business practice.
So it's not surprising that in Britain -- as well as in every one of its
imitators -- the public has suffered higher prices, decayed service and
blackouts. In the 1990s, as America's electricity prices fell with the price
of oil, Britain's stayed stratospheric, on average 70 percent higher than in
the States. (Don't confuse this with the taxes that keep gasoline prices
high in Britain; profits account for the higher electricity prices. U.K.
commonly earn five times the return on capital permitted to regulated U.S.
And this is the system that the free-market fanatics foisted on
California. Notably, three of the four biggest power generators controlling
the California market -- AES, Southern and Dynergy -- and the biggest
U.S. power trader, Enron, are also big players in Britain.
Manipulated or not, on a hot summer's day, when a pool needs all the
juice it can find, the handful of sellers can name their price. And in
California, they do. For example, this past June 29, sellers demanded 52
cents per kilowatt hour; on June 29, 1999, they had accepted 5 cents, a
price better reflecting their true costs.
I first came to Britain in 1996, to help the incoming Labor government
try to fix the nation's new -- but already broken -- electricity market. It
didn't work. Year after year, the fixes failed, as they will fail in
and other states that think they can design a deregulated system. There
is no fix: Free markets in electricity go berserk because they aren't really
markets, aren't free and can't be. Electricity isn't like a dozen bagels; it
can't be frozen, stored or trucked where needed. And while you can skip
your daily bagel, homes and industry will not do without their daily
As a result, deregulation is never really deregulation but an unhappy
mish-mash of rules belatedly chasing runaway prices generated by each
week's new trading game. To salvage their imploding market, the
California power pool's economists busily craft one wacky fix after another
-- "Intra-zonal Congestion Management," "Price Volatility Limit
Mechanisms" and more, which tumble out of their bureaucracies like
circus clowns from a Volkswagen. A delicious irony is that "deregulation"
has produced an explosion of shifting regulations and new bureaucracies
dwarfing California's old regulatory system.
Market fundamentalists say the solution to half-baked deregulation is
full deregulation, with no rules at all. That's frightening. As former World
Bank economist Joe Stiglitz said to me the other day, these theorists are
like medieval bloodletters. If a dose of their free-market medicine doesn't
cure the patient, they call for applying more leeches.
No one in America is safe from the deregulators. One would think
that, after the California debacle, states would run from deregulation. But
the same self-serving lobby that blinded California to Britain's fiasco has
blinkered Texas, New York and others to California's failure.
Residents of the District of Columbia, where a deregulation statute
took effect this month, can sleep easy with night lights burning -- but only
for the next four years. That's when the price caps bargained for by the
District's people's counsel, Elizabeth Noel, will be lifted, and consumers
will be at the mercy of the PJM Interconnection pool (which serves parts
of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Maryland). Even PJM, considered the
nation's most stable market, is subject to the same manipulations as San
Diego. On July 28, 1999, completely legal "stacking" bids by the big
power companies bounced the price paid by the PJM pool to $935 per
megawatt hour -- about 30 times the sellers' costs.
You didn't feel it in your bill then. But when the cap goes, look out.
Even Noel, proud of the protections she wrote into the statute, echoes
other consumer advocates across the nation: "If I had a Harry Potter
wand, I'd put the [deregulation] genie back in the bottle," she told me last
If the problem is deregulation, the cure is re-regulation. Those
who profit from deregulation have fostered the presumption that the
process is irreversible. But re-regulate we must and can.
In California, the first step would be to guide SCE and PG&E into
Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The state could then purchase their power lines
and other assets. Shed no tears for these two utilities. Today, they are
sinking under a $12 billion debt to power sellers. But in the first four
after deregulation, until the market turned on them (as markets do), the
two operators stuffed their accounts with $20 billion in windfall revenues.
I've seen this return to government control work. On New York's Long
Island, a local electric company arrogantly spent billions on a faulty
nuclear plant, driving itself and its community toward bankruptcy. In 1980,
I drafted a plan for the state to buy the company. The resulting takeover
by an independent government-owned power authority, completed in
1991, slashed prices by a good 20 percent and improved service.
Once the distribution grid is in public hands, California must then
return the power plants within its borders to the old profit-limited,
democratically organized method of regulating price. But this rescue plan
will fail unless the federal government gives up on the deregulation
fantasy as well. To nudge other states into following California's scheme,
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission lifted the price controls on
most interstate sales into power pools. Those controls need to be
permanently restored.
Pulling out of the deregulation morass is not a technical problem but a
political one. An economic ideology -- not to mention several trillion
dollars of infrastructure -- are on the line. California's electricity grid
may be the free marketeers' Vietnam. It is the place where the
conviction that markets are superior to public control -- always,
everywhere and forever -- loses its way in the dark. The only solution to
the deregulation debacle is swift, honorable and complete withdrawal.

California-born Gregory Palast is a consultant on utility regulation and a
columnist with the Observer of London. His book "Regulation and
Democracy" will be published this year by the U.N. International Labor

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