OUCH! California Power Lies
Public Campaign
February 6, 2001

- The direction California's 1996 electricity deregulation law was supposed 
to make consumers' costs go: Down.
- Expected hike in residential electricity bills because of a temporary 
emergency rate increase approved by California's Public Utilities 
Commission on January 4: 9 percent.
- Number of times that the State of California has imposed rolling 
blackouts in January because electricity demand exceeded supply: 2.
- After-tax profits since last May of California's seven out-of-state power 
producers and marketers, which have hiked energy prices on the wholesale 
market: More than $4.7 billion.
- Amount Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas & Electric, and other 
California utilities have received since deregulation from California 
ratepayers to pay off their "stranded assets"˜debts acquired from bad 
investments, largely in nuclear power plants: $20 billion.
- Amount that Southern California Edison and Pacific Gas & Electric, the 
state's two largest utilities say they are in the red, because they can't 
afford the high cost of wholesale energy: $12 billion.
- Amount Southern California Edison and PG&E's, parent and affiliated 
companies have spent on power plants, stock buybacks, and other purchases 
recently, despite complaints of near-bankruptcy: $22 billion.
- Amount of campaign contributions distributed by PG&E and Southern 
California Edison in California races during the 2000 elections: $3.5 million.
- Amount PG&E gave to Assembly Speaker Bob Hertzberg (D-Sherman Oaks): 
- Amount that consumers would pay in surcharges to bail out the two 
utilities under a proposal by Hertzberg: up to $12 billion.
- Hertzberg's position on campaign finance initiative, Proposition 34, on 
the 2000 California ballot, criticized as a sham by reform groups: In favor.
For more information (and for detailed sourcing on these statistics) go to 


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