America Cluster Bombs Iraq

By William M. Arkin
Special to
Monday, February 26, 2001; 12:00 AM

News media reports last week that 50 percent of the weapons fired at 
Iraqi military installations missed their so-called aimpoints 
obscures a more disturbing facet of the Feb. 16 attack: The U.S. jets 
used cluster bombs that have no real aimpoint and that kill and wound 
innocent civilians for years to come.

This is not merely some insider detail.  The choice of cluster bombs, 
still unnoticed by the American media, is likely to prove 
controversial.  The weapon that was used in Iraq is formally known as 
Joint Stand-off Weapon (JSOW,pronounced jay-sow).  It was first used 
in combat in Iraq on January 25, 1999, when Marine Corps F-18 
Hornet's fired three weapons at an air defense site.

The missile is described by the Navy, its primary developer, and 
Raytheon Systems, its manufacturer, as a long-range glide bomb. 
Acting Pentagon spokesman, Navy Rear Admiral Crag Quigley primly 
calls it an "area munition," doggedly avoiding the scattershot 
reality conveyed by the term "cluster bomb."

Weapon of Choice

Twenty eight JSOWs were fired by Navy aircraft in the in the Feb. 16 
attack, along with guided missiles and laser-guided bombs.  Pentagon 
sources say that 26 of the 28 JSOWs missed their aimpoints.

The 1,000 pound, 14-foot-long weapon carries 145 anti-armor and 
anti-personnel incendiary bomblets which disperse over an area that 
is approximately 100 feet long and 200 feet wide.  In short, this 
weapon, which Quigley describes as a "long-range, precision-guided, 
stand-off weapon," rains down deadly bomblets on an area the size of 
a football field with six bombs falling in every 1,000 square feet. 
So much for precision.

The JSOW has quickly become a top weapon of choice for Navy and 
Marine Corps airplanes in the no fly zone mission for at least four 
reasons.  It has as a range of more than 40 nautical miles when 
delivered from high altitude (20,000 feet about ground level).  The 
dispersal of bomblets inflicts more lasting damage than a small 
warhead on an anti-radiation missile.  Pilots can reprogram target 
coordinates right up to the moment of launch.  And because the JSOW 
is guided by satellite, the delivering aircraft can "launch and 

"With JSOW we can attack SAMs [surface-to-air missiles] from well 
outside the threat rings and destroy rather than suppress" the 
target, a Navy document notes.  In other words, years of bombing in 
Iraq have had less than spectacular results of Iraq's air defenses 
and the U.S. military is looking for some way of causing more 
permanent damage to the country's military capabilities.

Launch and Leave

Pilots may launch and leave, but the JSOW, like other cluster bombs, 
is unforgiving once aircraft deliver them.  The JSOW releases its 
sub-munitions about 400 feet above its target.  These bomblets are 
also used in the most prevalent modern U.S. cluster bomb, the CBU-87. 
But unlike the CBU-87, the JSOW does not spin to disperse its 
bomblets.  Rather the JSOW uses a gasbag to propel the sub-munitions 
outward from the sides.  Once ejected, the bomblets, each the size of 
soda can, simply fall freely at the mercy of local winds.  A few 
almost always land outside of the center point of the football field 
size main concentration.  On average 5 percent do not detonate. 
These unexploded bomblets then become highly volatile on the ground.

Recently, U.S. Air Force engineers in Kuwait found an entire 
unexploded CBU-87 at an airbase that had been attacked during the 
Gulf War.  The weapon had apparently malfunctioned and ripped open 
upon impact, burying bomblets up to six feet deep in the vicinity. 
To destroy them in place, a series of 10-foot high barriers had to be 
built inside a 700-foot wide safety cordon.

Already this month, there has been one Iraqi civilian death and nine 
injuries from unexploded cluster bomblets, presumably all left over 
from the 1991 Gulf War.  On Feb. 20, Agence France Press (AFP) 
reported that a shepherd was wounded near Nasiriyah in southern Iraq 
when an unexploded bomblet detonated.  On Feb. 15, Reuters said two 
Iraqi boys in western Iraq, also tending sheep, were injured by a 
cluster bomblet.  On Feb. 9, AFP reported a child was killed and six 
others were wounded by sub-munitions near Basra.

February, it seems, is a fairly typical month for cluster bombs 
inflicting damage on innocent civilians.

A Degrading Policy

"What we have to do is make sure we continue to tell the world that 
we are not after the Iraqi people," Secretary of State Colin Powell 
told CNN on Feb. 12.  That is a tough task given the use of a weapon 
which has unique civilian impact.

Saddam Hussein relishes the cat and mouse game in and around the 
"no-fly" zones, almost welcoming bombing and civilian casualties if 
they will contribute to Baghdad's strategy of breaking the 
international consensus on sanctions and inspections.  The use of 
cluster bombs against minor out-of-the-way targets, far from doing 
anything to "degrade his capacity to harm our pilots," as President 
Bush said at his Feb. 22 press conference, actually helps Iraq to 
achieve its foreign policy goals.

"We think we've accomplished what we were looking for in the sense to 
degrade, disrupt the ability of the Iraqi air defenses to coordinate 
attacks against our aircraft," Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Gregory Newbold, 
director of operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff said at the 
Pentagon on the day of the strikes.

The vague objective "to degrade" is straight out of the go-nowhere 
Clinton playbook.  We bomb, and even if virtually of the JSOWs miss 
their aimpoints, the United States proclaims: "mission accomplished." 
After all, some level of degrading of Iraqi capabilities occurred.

I give the use of cluster bombs a D grade.

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