Reviving a "Poor People's Movement" is one of the campaigns that I 
think American leftists -- especially leftists in Ohio -- should be 
working on.  The following article says "Ohio had one of the steepest 
declines in food stamp participation....Last year, [only] 59 percent 
[of the eligible poor] got them."  It would be a good campaign for 
the Green Party or the Labor Party to get involved in, working 
perhaps with the Ohio Empowerment Coalition (at 
<>), BREAD (at 
<>), the Black Radical Congress (at 
<> -- Ohio has two BRC local 
organizing committees, one in Cleveland [Cynthia Triplett, 
216-391-9015 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]], the other Toledo [Abdul Alkalimat, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]]), and other orgs, though I don't know if 
it would & even could.

Without a movement that links the poor, progressive unionists, 
religious leftists, activist lawyers, etc., folks won't even get what 
they are entitled to, much less demand better programs than what 


*****   New York Times 26 February 2001

Millions Eligible for Food Stamps Aren't Applying


CLEVELAND - As she weighs bunches of purple grapes or rings up fat 
chicken legs at the supermarket where she works, Fannie Payne cannot 
keep from daydreaming.

"It's difficult to work at a grocery store all day, looking at all 
the food I can't buy," Mrs. Payne said.  "So I imagine filling up my 
cart with one of those big orders and bringing home enough food for 
all my kids."

Instead, she said that she and her husband, Michael, a factory 
worker, routinely go without dinner to make sure their four children 
have enough to eat.  They visit a private hunger center monthly for 
three days' worth of free groceries, to help stretch the $60 a week 
they spend on food.

But they have yet to turn to the government for food stamps.

"I've never talked to anyone in government assistance," Mrs. Payne 
said.  "I didn't think we'd be eligible because we own a home and a 

Workers at the local food bank said it appeared the Paynes might 
qualify for food stamps.  Local welfare officials said their 
eligibility could not be determined unless the family filled out an 
application, which the Paynes said they now intended to do.

The Paynes say they have never been solicited to apply for food 
stamps.  In that, they are not alone.  In a study last year, the 
Department of Agriculture reported that at least 12 million people - 
including at least a million children - are not receiving food stamps 
even though they are eligible.  Based on detailed annual surveys of 
tens of thousands of people, the Census Bureau has estimated that 3.7 
million households experience hunger as a result of not having enough 
money for food, and that many more - 9.7 percent of all households - 
cannot reliably afford all their basic food needs.

"There is no reason that any American in 2001 should go hungry," said 
Senator Richard G. Lugar, Republican of Indiana, who is chairman of 
the Agriculture Committee.  "States should do everything possible to 
make certain that those who qualify for food stamps know it and are 
enrolled if they so choose.  That was the intent of the law."

Yet that has not happened in most states.  Despite studies warning 
that bureaucratic hurdles discourage the poor from applying for food 
stamps, states have been wary of streamlining their application 

A major reason, some critics say, is that states fear they will be 
penalized by the federal government for giving recipients too much in 
food stamps - or too little.  In 1996, Arizona was fined $21 million 
because of the high number of errors its social workers made in 
calculating the size of benefits.  Those complicated calculations are 
based on mandates drawn up by the Agriculture Department to deter 
fraud.  But as a result, many states require the poor to fill out 
long applications and visit welfare offices every three months to 
make sure the benefits are correct.

"This is a nutrition program and it should be simplified," said 
Joseph Gauntner, director of Cuyahoga Health and Nutrition, a tough 
critic of the food stamp program he administers for the county that 
includes Cleveland.  "Now the rules read like a welfare program that 
is all about preventing fraud with ridiculously rigorous requirements 
for a benefit that averages only $73 a month."

Food stamp rolls have tumbled to 17 million people from 24.9 million 
at the time of the 1996 welfare overhaul law, according to 
Agriculture Department figures.  Only half of that drop can be 
attributed to the strong economy or new restrictions that removed the 
eligibility of some adults without children and immigrants, according 
to studies by the Agriculture Department and the Center for Budget 
and Policy Priorities, a liberal public policy research group.

"Food stamp participation has fallen much more than the strength of 
the economy would explain," said Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa, the 
senior Democrat on the Agriculture Committee.  "At the same time, the 
demands on food banks, soup kitchens and similar food sources have 
increased markedly."

America's Second Harvest, the principal nonprofit source for food 
banks across the country, has doubled the amount of food it 
distributes, to two billion pounds in the last two years, says 
Douglas O'Brien, the group's policy director.

Ohio had one of the steepest declines in food stamp participation. 
In 1994, 80 percent of the state's eligible poor received food 
stamps.  Last year, 59 percent got them.

Mr. Gauntner wants the state to streamline application forms and 
procedures for food stamps and adopt options offered by Congress in 
November that would adjust rules to reflect the higher cost of 
living, including a change that would allow a family on food stamps 
to own a reliable car for work.

He also wants money for a program to tell people about food stamps.

"Working doesn't mean you're getting out of poverty anymore," Mr. 
Gauntner said.  "The issue isn't getting people to work anymore, it's 
figuring out how to help them feed themselves after they come home 
from work."

Rather than urging an expansion of food stamp programs, Mr. Lugar 
proposes greater tax benefits for corporations and small businesses 
that donate food to the nonprofit private food banks.  He said that 
this could encourage producers and restaurants to donate some of the 
more than 80 billion pounds of food wasted each year in the United 

As Ohio's food stamp rolls plunged, demand at private food banks like 
the Euclid Hunger Center in suburban Cleveland exploded.  When it 
opened 10 years ago, the center was an emergency pantry for 100 
families.  Last year it helped 1,000 families, giving out 255,000 
pounds of groceries - canned soups, pasta, vegetables - from the 
Cleveland Food Bank.

Fannie Payne signed up there and, with a family of six on an income 
of $1,900 a month, qualified for three bags of groceries each month.

Lisa Hamler-Podolski, executive director of Ohio's branch of Second 
Harvest, said that a third of the people at Ohio's food banks last 
year were first-time users.

"They are a new class of people, mainly working poor, who are running 
out of resources," Ms. Hamler-Podolski said.

"We're behind on all of our bills," Mrs. Payne said.  "We don't pay 
electricity until they threaten a cutoff.  To be honest, I'm behind 
two months on the mortgage - that's $600 a month.  We owe $800 on the 
water bill and $500 for heat."

The Euclid Hunger Center helped her seek aid from her parish, St. 
William's Catholic Church.  But it hurt that three cars broke down in 
six months.

"They all died and we had to get Mike to work, so we bought a good 
used car we can't afford," she said.

The first thing to go was money for food for herself and her husband.

"Some nights Mike and I eat our kids' leftovers, and when I don't 
have any money for milk I feed the kids soup for breakfast," she said.

Discount coupons helped Mrs. Payne stretch her money, but each month 
the situation got worse.

Recently her husband volunteered for his factory's latest shift, 10 
p.m. to 6 a.m., to earn extra money.  She started working four days a 
week, 5 p.m. to midnight.  Now their 13-year-old daughter, Kali, is 
in charge of the house from 10 to midnight, looking after the 
sleeping children - Sara, 9, Joseph, 7, and Alex, 3.

Joseph has noticed that food has grown scarce lately.  When he and 
his mother were shopping recently, Joseph stopped a stranger with 
food bulging out of her cart and asked her if she was rich.

"No," the woman answered.  "I have to feed a big family of five people."

"We're a family of six people," Joseph said, "and we could never buy 
that much food."   *****

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