Soaring Electric Use More Fiction Than Fact 

Chronicle investigation finds power companies
manipulate data to excuse their towering rates 

Christian Berthelsen, Scott Winokur, Chronicle Staff
Sunday, March 11, 2001 
©2001 San Francisco Chronicle 

Power companies say it so often, and with such
certainty, that it has become a virtual mantra:
"Skyrocketing" energy use by Californians is a root
cause of the state's power crisis, and justification
for surging electricity prices. 

But a computer analysis of electricity usage data by
The Chronicle reveals that the mantra is a myth --
that overall growth in electricity demand hasn't been
nearly as great as the industry portrays it. 

The industry has painted the summer of 2000 as the
equivalent of a 100-year storm in meteorology -- an
event so powerful and unexpected that the existing
infrastructure was devastated by its force. 

The statistics show that 2000, taken in total, was
nothing of the sort. Moreover, two independent state
agencies' assessments of California's power plant
capacity appear to show that the growth should have
been easily accommodated. 

The companies have defended their practice of
increasingly taking power- generation plants out of
service by arguing that heavy demand and consequent
plant usage necessitated major, time-consuming

"The claims that demand growth is rampant and that it
was totally unexpected and due to the Internet
economy, to Silicon Valley, or server farms, 

or people recharging cell phones -- that's bogus,"
said Tom Kelly, assistant executive director of the
California Energy Commission. "About as bogus as you
can get." 

The Chronicle's findings are based on data collected
by the California Independent System Operator, a
manager of the state's electricity grid. They show: 

-- Total electricity consumption in California
increased only 4.75 percent in 2000 from 1999, a sharp
contrast to claims of industry representatives, who
have repeatedly relied on isolated, loose or selective
comparisons that make growth appear as high as 20
percent. In fact, the single greatest hour of
electricity usage in 2000 was actually lower than any
peak demand period in 1999 or 1998. 

-- Average peak demand -- the average of the highest
hour of electricity usage for each day -- increased
only 4.79 percent from 1999 to 2000. Even during the
months of May to September in 2000, when the greatest
spikes in electricity usage occur, demand growth was
only 8.31 percent higher than the same period the year

-- More than 30 days of critical power shortage
warnings, so-called Stage 3 emergencies, and two days
of blackouts this year occurred at times of moderate
energy use -- levels often below those at which
neither warnings nor blackouts have occurred in the

The findings appear to buttress suspicions that the
"skyrocketing demand" explanation for rising energy
prices is a cover for what is really happening -- 

that power companies have simply started charging more
for an essential commodity, regardless of whether it
is in short supply. 

Presented with The Chronicle's findings, Gary
Ackerman, a representative for the Western Power
Trading Forum, a trade group representing power
companies, said the calculations support the industry
position that electricity demand is growing strong. 

"That's pretty healthy growth for California as
opposed to the long-term historical average, which is
close to 2 percent," he said. "To me, that's really
strong growth." 

Energy demand is certainly on the rise in California
-- growth of more than 4 percent is still double what
was projected -- and the state has obviously fallen
behind in building power plants. 

Even though a recent study found California ranked
47th out of the 50 states in per-capita energy
consumption, the surging demand explanation has become
so accepted that leading officials accept it as
gospel. Gov. Gray Davis has made energy conservation
-- 10 percent, at that -- a centerpiece of his efforts
to solve the crisis. 

"Energy use is growing," said state Sen. John Burton,
D-San Francisco, citing the growth of Silicon Valley
and high-tech operations statewide. "There's been
tremendous growth, whether manufacturing or high tech
-- cell phones, faxes, whatever. The stuff is

Yet the energy industry has been steadfast in its
insistence that the consumer is largely to blame. In
testimony and submissions to government bodies
considering prescriptions for the crisis, energy
demand growth has consistently been overstated. 

Joe Bob Perkins, the chief operating officer of
Houston-based Reliant Energy Inc., told the U.S.
Senate in January that California's growing economy
and high summer temperatures caused electricity use to
"surge dramatically" -- a demand growth of 13 percent.

Richard Wheatley, a spokesman for Reliant, said
Perkins' testimony was based on estimates by the
federal Energy Information Administration of monthly
retail electricity sales. 

"We do stand by that," Wheatley said. "Unfortunately,
it does not track with ISO data." 

The industry-backed Edison Electric Institute said in
a report that electricity demand grew by anywhere from
5 percent to 21 percent during the spring of 2000,
compared with the same period a year earlier. 

Russell Tucker, an economist for the institute, said
the group's figures were derived by identifying the
single highest hour of electricity demand for each
spring month of 1999 and 2000 and comparing them,
finding the May peak rose 21 percent. 

Granted, the state Energy Commission uses the same
model to determine whether California has enough plant
capacity to meet demand. But the presentation makes it
appear that overall demand, not just the absolute
peak, is growing by 21 percent. When the peak of each
day is averaged and compared from year to year, May's
figure was much lower: 12.79 percent. 

Also, nowhere did Edison's report note that the peak
hour of 2000, a load of 43,784 megawatts on Aug. 16,
was actually lower than the peak hours of either of
the previous two years -- 45,884 on July 12, 1999, or
44,406 on Sept. 

1, 1998. 

The Chronicle analysis of average peak demand showed
that no month last year grew more than June's 15.34
percent, though no blackouts occurred in that month.
May and June were the only months when demand growth
exceeded 10 percent, the analysis showed. Most months
recorded 4 percent or 5 percent, and some -- such as
September -- were less than 3 percent. 

Two months, October and December, had demand levels
lower than the year before -- 4.22 percent less for
October, 1.46 percent lower for December. 

Mike Florio, a consumer lawyer and board member of the
ISO, said that even growth of less than 5 percent from
1999 to 2000 would seem overstated, since 1999 was a
relatively mild weather year and 2000 was a much
hotter one. "You are quite right," Florio said. "
'Skyrocketing' demand is a myth." 

Consumer representatives and some politicians have
long suspected that, rather than dire imbalances
between supply and demand, market manipulation is
behind the crisis. 

Generators and power marketers adamantly deny this,
saying they have done everything they could to keep
the lights on. They say they ran aging, decrepit
plants at higher-than-normal levels last summer to
accommodate what they described as unprecedented
demand. They also say that, at great expense, they
delayed much-needed maintenance in order to keep the
power flowing. 

Their claims have received some support from the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which said in a
report last month that it found no evidence power
companies were using maintenance schedules to
manipulate supply. The report, however, was heavily
qualified by the FERC, which said it did not
investigate other forms of manipulation. Moreover, the
agency acknowledged that the bulk of its investigation
was conducted by simply calling power plants and
questioning them over the telephone. 

The supply side of the energy equation is harder to
penetrate, in part because supply data are
confidential. Thus, the question of how blackouts
could have occurred at such low levels of demand in
January is hard to answer. What is clear is that, at
times, during the crisis this year, as much as 12, 000
megawatts of electricity supply have been unavailable
for use, mostly because of unplanned plant outages --
about four times the level anticipated by the ISO. 

Power companies say the old plants they bought were
not capable of producing to the levels sketched out by
the ISO and the Energy Commission, and that everything
from low water conditions, emissions limitations and
high temperatures last year caused less energy to be
available than was anticipated. 

But others suggest that what began as a shortage
caused by a withholding of supply to drive up price
has turned into one caused by withholdings out of fear
of not being paid. 

What did go up, unquestionably, were wholesale
electricity prices. 

While average electricity usage during the heaviest
hours last year increased by less than 5 percent,
prices charged by power companies to the utilities
that deliver juice to consumers increased more than
289 percent. 

In June, the cost of a megawatt hour increased more
than fivefold, going from the 1999 level of $30.53 to
$170.60. In October, prices doubled over the same
period a year earlier, going from $53.47 to $111.04.
And in December -- despite a 1.46 percent decline in
electricity usage from the previous December -- peak
wholesale electricity prices hit $425.59. They'd been
$31.88 one year before. 

Then the pace of price increases began to accelerate
within the last six months of 2000. Overall, average
peak usage during December was about 31,200 megawatts,
about a fifth lower than it was in August. Average
prices in December? They just about doubled, to $425 a
megawatt hour. 

The companies' explanation for rising prices despite
falling demand was that more and more plants had to be
taken offline for repairs, decreasing supply. Even
given the high number of inoperable plants, questions
remain about why the existing supply could not cover

On the blackout days of Jan. 17 and 18 fewer plants
were offline -- and more electricity was available --
than on days when the state managed to squeeze by
without turning out the lights. 

Even today, with Stage 3 alerts having faded away, at
least temporarily, demand levels remain more or less
the same as when California was in a constant state of
emergency. Moreover, the lists of offline plants are
as long as ever. 

The Energy Commission and the ISO have concluded that
California's power plants are capable of generating
more than 45,000 megawatts of electricity. That means
that even with plant repair outages, low water levels
decreasing hydraulic generation, air-pollution rules
and other environmental constraints, the power
companies should be able to accommodate all but the
most extreme spikes in demand. 

According to industry data obtained by The Chronicle,
the Western Systems Coordinating Council, a
government-backed trade group in Salt Lake City,
concluded California would have considerable surpluses
throughout 2000, including margins as high as 39
percent in December, based on data provided to it by
the ISO. Even under low water conditions, the ISO
reported, the state would have total power resources
of 47,532 megawatts in that month. Yet unplanned
outages were far higher, and the system began to crash
that month and into this year, at far lower levels of

"Clearly," Florio said, "we should not be having a
shortage at 2 a.m. on Christmas Eve, when the only
person awake is Santa Claus." 

Chronicle Database Editor Erin McCormick assisted in
data analysis for this report. Chronicle editorial
assistant Claire Smith assisted in data collection for
this report. / E-mail Christian Berthelsen at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and Scott Winokur at s 

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