Funny, last week in his op-ed piece in the Washington Post, Reich wrote
that the Democratic Party was DEAD. Maybe he's imagining that a new
anti-corporate party will surge to the fore by 2002? 

Justin Schwartz wrote,

I wish I could be so optimistic. Contrarry to the effusions of our friend
Nathan Newman, there is no countervailing power in the Democratic Party; it
is now clear than the if there was every any fight in the Dems, it is gone.
The left to the lweft of the Dems is dispersed and lacking any institutional
oomph. So I am predicting a  long run of umbridled corporate capitalist
power, informed by thes pirit of bipartisan cooperation. --jks
>It may be that the Bushies realize they will wear thin quickly, so it > > >
> > >  At some point  perhaps as soon as the 2002 midterm elections, surely
>no later than the next presidential election  the public will be aghast at
>what is happening. The backlash against business may be thunderous. Hence
>the great danger that corporate American confronts.
> > >
> > >  Robert B. Reich,
Tom Walker
(604) 947-2213

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