Barkley R,

Hi -- long time since hearing from you.

Where have you been -- the CPUSA has been part of the at first  unofficial
and then gradually more official 'left' wing  of the bosses Democratic
beginning at the time of  the second Roosevelt Admin. in 1936 . This all
back in the thirties with the 'pro-bourgeois democracy' and 'anti-fascist'
coalitions that were built to deceive  the then  skeptical masses and get
them involved and enrolled  into supporting/accepting  the imperialist WW2
Boy, and back then more than now the liberal/centrist  capitalists needed
them,and were 
happy to become then part of the 'peoples fronts'. etc.

I know also in the sixties , 1964, that Bettina Aptheker(daughter of Then
CPUSA leader/ 
writer Herbert Aptheker ) came to Pasadena CC and other campuses here
to  hammer home the need to support 'peace' candidate Lyndon Johnson
and Co. against the 'fascist' right wing Goldwater. 

This bourgeois/opportunist  politicking is nothing new for the state caps
of the  CPUSA.


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