Call-In Day to Make the World Bank and IMF Drop
the Debt
Wednesday, April 25th

1.) Please take 5 minutes today to call the White
House, Treasury and State
2.) Double your voice!  Call a friend and ask them
to call-in too.  People are
much more likely to participate if you ask them

Calls are urgent this week.  The World Bank and
IMF are holding their annual
spring meetings this weekend.  Send the message on
the eve of their meetings

The Jubilee USA Network will be issuing press
releases all week calling on the
World Bank and IMF to cancel 100% of the debt
using their own internal
resources.  We will also participate in press
conferences to release
groundbreaking legislation by Representatives
Barbara Lee and Maxine Waters on
HIV/AIDS and debt cancellation.  Keep an eye on
your local papers and let us
know if the issue is being covered.

The real story, though, is what you are doing in
your local communities to flood
the White House with calls demanding full debt
cancellation on the eve of the
Bank and Fund's spring meetings.

Keep calling ALL WEEK long.

Pick up the phone and help us make history.


Drop the Debt: Jubilee USA Network

National Call-In Day to Cancel Crushing Debt to
the World Bank and IMF

********Help us get 10,000 calls to President Bush

Call the White House
Wednesday, April 25th - 9-5pm EDT

Here's what you do:

Call the White House comment line and follow the
prompts until you reach a live
human being: 202-456-1111.  If the line is busy
and you can't get through please
send a fax to: 202-456-2461.

Here's what you say:

1) Africa is being devastated by HIV/AIDS and
other health crises, yet many
countries continue to pay more in debt service
than on health care.

2) I am calling to ask President Bush to make the
World Bank and IMF cancel 100%
of the debt using their own internal resources
(not more taxpayer money) so that
impoverished countries can use the monies for
primary health care and education.

3) I want the President to retain the legislation
passed by Congress last year
to eliminate user-fees imposed by the World Bank
and IMF.

Feel free to personalize your statement and always
ask to leave your name and

Please also call with the same message:

Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill at 202-622-1100 or
fax: 202-622-6415
Secretary of State Colin Powell at 202-647-6575 or
fax: 202-261-8577

Congratulations! Thank you for helping to make
history by joining the
Jubilee USA Network to definitively cancel the
illegitimate debts that continue
to enslave millions of our brothers and sisters
around the world!


The international Jubilee movement has had
tremendous success in the last few
years in bringing the world's attention to the
unbearable burden of debt imposed
on the world's poorest countries. Together we have
made some gains in achieving
actual debt relief that is making a difference in
real people's lives.

Yet much more is needed. The majority of the debt
of the poorest nations has not
been cancelled.

Many countries still spend more on debt service
than on health care and
education. In light of the HIV/AIDS and other
health crises in Africa, it is not
tolerable for countries to continue to spend more
on debt than on health care
and basic education.

It is time for the World Bank and the IMF to use
their ample internal resources
to cancel the debts owed them by the most
impoverished countries.  Harmful and
failed economic policies, like user-fees for
health and education, should not be
imposed as conditions for debt cancellation.
Rather, we should seek to insure
that the priorities of the people in these
countries are met--for investments in
health care, schooling and clean water.

The Jubilee USA Network is calling for President
Bush to use U.S. leverage to
make the World Bank and IMF cancel the debts of
the poorest countries now using
their own resources.

For more information on the National Call-In Day
please contact Mara Vanderslice
at the Jubilee USA Network office at: 202-783-3566

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