Why should the libs quail at selling nominations? They're in favor of 
selling everything else. --jks

>Libertarians don't like to talk about how David Koch came to be their
>party's vice-presidential nominee, and you can't blame them. To be blunt
>about it, Koch bought the nomination; it cost him a half-million dollars.
>There is no law against selling a slot on the national ticket to the 
>bidder, and in the Libertarians' case , it made a good deal of financial
>sense. Still, it's not the kind of thing they like to talk about.
>"I was disturbed by it," admits Robert Poole, editor of Reason, a 
>magazine that is the voice of the Libertarian movement's right wind. 
>weeks before the Libertarian party staged its national convention in Los
>Angeles last September, David Koch sent a letter to the delegates 
>that he would contribute several hundred thousand dollars to the 1890
>campaign if he were nominated. In Los Angeles he upped the ante to a
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