Progressive Peace Coalition Presents PALESTINE FREEDOM, JUSTICE, EQUALITY SARA FLOUNDERS, CO-DIRECTOR INTERNATIONAL ACTION CENTER (IAC) Sara Flounders visited PALESTINE in November 2000 as a part of a delegation that delivered much-needed medicine to Palestinian hospitals and clinics. They were able to witness firsthand the aggression and repression against Palestinian areas by Israeli Defense Forces and settlers. The lecture will include video footage from the front lines of the Palestinian Resistance to Israeli repression. An open discussion with the audience will follow each presentation. Events in Columbus: May 10, 12 Noon - 2:00 PM Columbus State Community College, Nestor Hall, Seminar "D" May 10, 7:00 PM Ohio State University - Lazenby Hall room 21, 1827 Neil Ave. (corner of Neil Ave and S. Oval Dr.) All Events are free and open to the public. These events are co-sponsored by: ARAB AMERICANS OF CENTRAL OHIO COUNCIL ON AMERICAN/ISLAMIC RELATIONS THE MUSLIM STUDENT ASSOCIATION OF OSU THE MUSLIM STUDENT ASSOCIATION OF CSCC THE STUDENT INTERNATIONAL FORUM THE COLUMBUS CAMPAIGN FOR ARMS CONTROL For more information, please call 614-268-2637. The IAC delegates issued the following statement: "Unless you are on the front lines in the West Bank and Gaza, or in the Palestinian areas in the 1948 borders of Israel, it is impossible to grasp the magnitude of the repression. What we saw was unimaginable brutality, but also a level of resistance by the entire Palestinian people who will not surrender, even in the face of overwhelming military power. The people in the United States must learn the truth about this struggle and about the role of the U.S. government, which finances Israeli terror at the tune of $15 million a day. Help us spread the word about the Palestinian reality today." As of April 5, 2001 … Over 457 Palestinians have been killed within a six-month period. Seventy-six percent were shot with live ammunition to the head and upper body. … Of the 457 people killed, 34% were under the age of 18. Tragically, 110 children have been killed. … Forty-five Palestinian students were killed on their way home from school. … Forty-one schools have been closed and unable to operate affecting over 20,000 students. … The closure imposed on the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza is the most severe since the beginning of the occupation in 1967. … There has been damage to over 2700 buildings, 770 homes (180 completely demolished), 29 mosques, 12 churches, and 44 water wells. … Over 25,000 olive and fruit trees have been uprooted, along with over 3,000 acres of land bulldozed. … Losses to the Palestinian economy through the end of January 2001 have been estimated at over 2 billion dollars. … More people today live in poverty than at any other time in the history of the occupation. … Daily losses of income have been estimated at over $12 million a day. The International Action Center was founded by former U.S. Attorney General, Ramsey Clark. The purpose of the IAC is to provide and organize opposition to U.S. militarism and war, linking it with the struggle against racism and oppression within the United States.