> I fail to see a need for any position on this more
> finely articulated than U.S. out of Colombia,
> hands off, get the fuck out, period.  Anyone left
> on the ground in Colombia obviously has more
> a more complicated life.  It's not clear they
> need our advice.

Onya, Max!  Sledgehammer-simple and absolutely right.  Good to see the
inevitably ongoing tragedy in the Balkans has changed an open mind (?).

Haven't a clue what got Lou so het up, really.  It was a properly attributed
news story, which we could have discussed on criteria of context, slant,
selectivity or fact.  And it's not as if Lou is above deploying mainstream
news stories when it suits, either.  I value Lou's often well-researched and
always well-written essays, but it'd be nice to get the benefit of 'em without
having to read megabytes of posters getting flayed and moderators getting put
on the spot on a weekly basis ...


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