This morning, the studios of WBAI were occupied by protestors. The audio
record is at:

The occupation couldn't have come sooner since the morning's proceedings
were taken up with the "Egyptian yoga" techniques promoted by a smarmy new
age huckster named Muata Ashby.

Here's something from his website:

Sema is the Ancient Egyptian word and symbol meaning union  of the Higher
and Lower Self which leads to spiritual enlightenment in a human being. The
Sema Institute is dedicated to the propagation of the universal teachings
of spiritual evolution. It is a non-denominational, non-profit organization
which recognizes the unifying principles in all spiritual and religious
systems of evolution throughout the world. Our primary goals are to provide
the wisdom of ancient spiritual teachings in books, courses and other forms
of communication. Secondly, to provide expert instruction and training in
the various yogic disciplines including Ancient Egyptian Philosophy,
Christian Gnosticism, Indian Philosophy and modern science. Thirdly, to
promote world peace and Universal Love.

When somebody writes a book on the Pacifica wars, there should be a chapter
on how the new age movement was used as a wedge against progressive media.

Louis Proyect
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