Our view is Georgie did the right thing.
But you always knew we are too preoccupied with
the U.S. working class.

Herewith an intra-office exchange:

NY Times, June 6, 2001 
Bush Moves Against Steel Imports

Did Bush stumble into the right policy?
What's your take on this?


Forced to is more like it.  Baucus and Rockefeller were making noises
about initiating a 201 action possibly as soon as today, when they took
over as committee chairs.

So, no intent here to do good policy, just smart politics. This way, he
gets to control the scope (at least initially), and get all the credit
for what was already a fate accompli.  No matter what Bush the Younger's
IQ, he does know how to hire smart, evil people over there (see Molly
Ivins on Karl Rove and co. in this weeks Nation).

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