Done.  Will you ever return to the list?

On Fri, Jun 22, 2001 at 09:20:13AM -0500, Cy Gonick wrote:
> HIGHLIGHTS from recent issues of CANADIAN DIMENSION magazine:
> May-June, 2001
> * Editorial - From the Berlin Wall to the Quebec Wall.
> How representative democracy was hijacked behind the Wall and how 
> direct democracy marched to the rescue.
> * Azmi Bishara - Apartheid Consciousness and the Palestine Question.
> Azmi Bishara is head of the National Democratic Alliance, a political 
> party inside the pre-1967 borders of Israel.
> * Jim Stanford - Dispatches from the Meltdown. What the financial 
> meltdown means for the real economy.
> March-April, 2001:
> *Editorial - Globalization and its Discontents
> An analysis of the complex and diverse nature of the 
> anti-globalization movement.
> *Walden Bello - 2000: The Year of Global Protest Against Globalization
> A neat roundown of all the actions from Seattle to Washington, to 
> Melbourne, Prague and the Hague.
> *Tony Clarke - Confronting McWorld: Pathways to a Post-Corporate Society
> A wide-ranging discussion of six tracks to a post-corporate society.
> *Cy Gonick - A Democratic Socialist Vision for the 21st Century.
> Develops some of the ingredients of a 21st-century vision, compared 
> with past visions and practices and suggests transitional strategies.
> *Bruce Livesey - The Star Chamber: The Crimes and Misdemeanors of the 
> College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
> A detailed account of how the Ontario medical profession persecutes 
> doctors who practice alternative medicine.
> *Eric Shragge and Robert Fisher - Community Organizing: A Call to Action
> Argues for a community politics that extends beyond the local to 
> confront capital and the state.
> Jan-Feb, 2001:
> *Sam Gindin - Toward a Structured Anti-Capitalist Movement.
> How do we interrupt the rush from one struggle to another and address 
> what we otherwise never seem to find time for: the exchange of ideas 
> about the overall direction of our struggles, the sharing of anayses 
> of new developments, the honest evaluation of each other's efforts? 
> How can we develop an alternative vision and come up with a series of 
> themes that might unite groups and activate individuals?
> *Daniel Schugurensky - Grassroots Democracy: the Participatory Budget 
> of Porto Alegre.
> A description and analysis of an amazing experiment in participatory democracy.
> *Will Offley - Dry Rot: The Far Right Targets the Left.
> How the far right penetrates Left projects like the anti-globalization movement
> Not much. A single-year subscription is $24.50 (taxes already 
> covered). We also have a low-income option for $18.50. U.S. 
> subscribers add $10.00. International subscribers add $15.00.
> Easy. You can subscribe in one of three ways:
> 1.    Fill out the subscription form on our website:
> 2.    Send us an e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> We accept VISA and MasterCard. Or we can simply send you an invoice.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Canadian Dimension is a magazine that shows there is an alternative 
> to the corporate agenda and the dictates of the global market; that 
> the vision - and not just one vision - of a better society is still 
> alive. It provides a forum for debate, where socialists, 
> environmentalists and anarchists share approaches to 
> anti-globalization; where activists report their activities in 
> campaigns all corners of Canada; where writers analyse forms of 
> oppression and human-rights issues; where trade unionists report from 
> the front lines; and where the latest books, films, websites, CDs and 
> videos are radically reviewed.
> Canadian Dimension draws on the best writers on the Left, both 
> familiar and fresh. Walden Bello, Greg Albo, Gregory Baum, Varda 
> Burstyn, Vandana Shiva, Michel Chossudovsky, Sam Gindin, Joan Kuyek, 
> Brian Palmer, Leo Panitch, Judy Rebick, Jim Stanford, Jack Warnock 
> and Reg Whitaker write alongside vigorous young writers like 
> Catherine Brown, Samir Gandesha, Anders Hayden and Meg Holden. 
> International coverage not seen elsewhere is provided by David Bacon, 
> Henry Heller, Saul Landau, Eduardo Luro, Ahmar Mustikhan and James 
> Petras.
> The shape of the next Left will be very different from that of the 
> previous Left, be it social democratic or socialist. Organizing 
> efforts from Seattle to Quebec City have seen new social movements, 
> new social visions, new concepts for organizing economies, new 
> notions of how to fight back, both globally and locally, come into 
> their own. We at Canadian Dimension are taking an active part in this 
> Left renewal with the same radical energy we have displayed since our 
> founding nearly 40 years ago.
> _____________________________________________________________________
> Canadian Dimension Magazine
> Suite 2B - 91 Albert Street
> Winnipeg, MB  R3B 1G5
> Canada
> tel. 204-957-1519
> fax. 204-943-4617
> toll-free. 1-800-737-7051

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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