[Robert Merton anyone?]

China Growing Uneasy About U.S. Relations
Bush's Comments Cited as Catalyst

By John Pomfret
Washington Post Foreign Service
Saturday, June 23, 2001; Page A01

BEIJING, June 22 -- China's leaders are increasingly concerned that
Washington and Beijing are headed for a confrontation as China emerges
as an economic and military power in Asia, and the United States
ponders how to deal with its rise, according to a senior Chinese
official, Western diplomats and Chinese policy analysts.

In recent interviews, these officials and analysts described growing
unease in Beijing that shifts in attitudes in both nations seem to be
pointing toward a showdown. The senior Chinese official, who spoke on
condition of anonymity, said Chinese leaders have become especially
concerned about the outlook for U.S.-China relations since President
Bush took office. Bush has termed China a "strategic competitor."

The topic dominated a discussion between Chinese President Jiang Zemin
and Singapore's senior minister, Lee Kuan Yew, during Lee's visit to
Suzhou, China, last week, sources said. It has prompted China to send
an unprecedented number of emissaries to the United States, most
recently Assistant Foreign Minister Zhou Wenzhong, who was in
Washington this week, carrying a message to senior U.S. officials that
the Chinese leadership wants to head off future conflicts.

In addition, the Chinese president was reported to have sent a message
through Russian President Vladimir Putin to Bush last week saying he
hoped there would be no lasting tensions over the April 1 collision of
a U.S. Navy reconnaissance plane with a Chinese fighter jet.

"The big issue is how the United States looks on a developing China
and its place in Asia and the world," said the senior Chinese
official, known to have close ties with the Chinese president. "A few
years ago, we could not even be considered a competitor; now you call
us a 'strategic competitor.' Another issue is how China looks at the
United States."

"Both of us have to manage China's rise because, let us be clear,
China will rise," he said. "If conflict is inevitable, then it will be
very troublesome. People are saying conflict between the United States
and China is inevitable. Chinese are saying it, Americans are saying
it. It's creating a vicious cycle. It's very destructive."

A series of recent incidents has strained Sino-American ties. Bush has
backed a national missile defense system, which China fears will
negate its nuclear deterrent. Over Chinese objections, the U.S.
government permitted Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian unprecedented
access to the United States, allowing him to stop twice in America and
meet lawmakers in recent weeks. Bush also hosted the Tibetan spiritual
leader, the Dalai Lama, at the White House. He approved a
multibillion-dollar weapons package for Taiwan, including, for the
first time, submarines.

In reaction, although irritated, China has hewn to relatively mild
statements, shunning the verbal fusillades of the past. The senior
official explained China's subdued response by saying that it was a
sign that China's views on the United States were "maturing."

"We could easily make relations with the United States more
difficult," he said, "but your government is still forming. We are
really not sure about its direction. Many American friends advised us:
'Don't be too nervous. Don't make a final judgment about it.' So we
have tried to be calm."

Yet, according to the senior Chinese official and Western diplomats
with contacts among Chinese policymakers, the leadership in Beijing is
concerned that at least some people in the Bush administration want to
take a confrontational approach toward China, which could have
long-term implications.

"China's foreign policy establishment is worried that the foundations
are being set now for long-term aggressive competition with the United
States," said a senior non-American Western diplomat. "This is not
something that most of them want to see."

One reason is that the direction of Beijing's relations with the
United States could exert a strong influence on China's development
plans, forcing funds to be funneled into defense spending instead of
economic growth.

Bush's performance has given ammunition to critics of the United
States in China, the senior official said. He particularly noted
Bush's comments in April that the United States would defend Taiwan in
case of a mainland attack, which he said China interpreted as
"basically an end to the longtime American policy of strategic
ambiguity" in the Taiwan Strait.

The official also acknowledged that China's old policy, filled with
hectoring and threats, toward Taiwan, an island it claims is part of
China, has been substantially modified because it only seemed to help
China's adversaries on the island.

"We gave Chen Shui-bian a lot of political capital," he said in a rare
acknowledgment that China's aggressive attitude toward Chen helped him
become Taiwan's first opposition candidate to win the presidency. "We
gave him 50 percent of his success. The more we attacked him, the
higher his star rose."

Although the official said China is not holding out "much hope" for a
rapprochement with Taipei, he suggested that Chen's "ability to cause
trouble" was limited. In the past, Chen has advocated Taiwan's
independence from China.

Even the usually boisterous People's Liberation Army has conducted
itself with a certain degree of restraint. Recent military exercises
off the coast of Taiwan have been carried out with a minimum of
publicity. And unlike in 1996, China has not fired missiles near
Taiwan's major ports, although it continues to deploy missiles in
provinces opposite Taiwan.

The official complained that China's softer policy has not been
recognized by the Bush administration. In an interview in April, Vice
President Cheney, for example, justified the Taiwan arms sale by
saying China had been acting aggressively toward Taiwan. But since
March 2000, when Chen was elected, China's tone has softened
substantially, and it vigorously courted Taiwanese opposition

The senior Chinese official also complained that Washington and
Beijing, 22 years after normalization of relations, still have not
established a mechanism to deal with sudden crises, such as the April
1 airplane collision. In 1998, the two sides established a hot line
between the White House and Zhongnanhai, the seat of Communist power
in Beijing. However, at key moments, such as NATO's May 1999 bombing
of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, Chinese leaders have chosen not to
answer U.S. phone calls.

"The two countries need to create a system to deal with such incidents
and to stop them from becoming too politicized," the official said. He
criticized Bush's tough comments on April 3, two days after the plane
crash, as an example of the type of misstep that could damage

"Your president should not have spoken so quickly," he said. "We
should let technical experts deal with these problems.

"In the April incident," he continued, "lots of people thought our
relations were going to spiral out of control."

The official warned that any attempts by the Pentagon to scale back
contacts with China's military would not help the relationship.
"Military-to-military contacts are very important. They should not be
downgraded," he said. "Military-to-military contacts are what you need
when you have trouble." Western diplomats say, however, that once
trouble happens, most of those contacts are useless because Chinese
officers become suddenly unavailable, refusing to return phone calls
or meet.

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