Nathan Newman wrote:

> I have to say, having read over the decision, the Court decision is a pretty
> harsh loss for Microsoft given the hopes in the MS camp for complete
> reversal.

> <snip happens>
> But on the findings of fact that Microsoft committed illegal acts, the
> decision was really extremely harsh on Microsoft.  So no one in Redmond
> should be pulling out the party hats.


could it be that (sinister tone) this whole thing is being orchestrated
towards a result that will be gained outside the courts? after microsoft
and gates present what many consider a weak defense (to the point of
lacking credibility) and the govt (govts) put forth a very strong well
reasoned set of charges, the judge acts in the craziest manner possible
introducing an element of judicial conduct question into what should
have ended a clean cut indictment of microsoft. rather suspicious! the
judge's actions seem to provide microsoft, which had completely lost in
their defense, an unexpected avenue of appeal! the appeals court then
seizes on this issue and sends the case back to trial. in the meantime
bush jr and the justice dept start talking about reviewing the appeals
court verdict and now there is talk of the justice dept seeking an
out of court settlement with microsoft "in light of the appeals court


of course there are the state attorney generals who are also involved
in the law suit...

> In any case, I never thought the breakup of Microsoft was a great result,
> since more "competition" won't help consumers get stable computing.

i must admit that my primary concern is not so much consumer benefit
as it is in retaining a particular computing/networking "lifestyle"
that i have grown comfortable with and am a part of. to generalize
from my personal motivations, richard stallman has defended this
lifestyle elsewhere as i am sure the members of this list are aware.

thanks for your comments on the judgement, which help me understand
the contents better,


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