Kondratiev> http://csf.colorado.edu/authors/Alexander.Mike/longwave.html > Several questions. Do K-waves actually exist> Yoshie Better question: if they did, how would you know you were or were not in one? Who in their right mind would rely on a theory that purported to predict when they begin and end? back from vacation, mbs
- Re: over- or under-accumulation? typo alert Yoshie Furuhashi
- Re: Re: over- or under-accumulation? typo alert Michael Pugliese
- K-waves Max Sawicky
- K-waves Jim Devine
- Re: K-waves Yoshie Furuhashi
- Re: Re: K-waves Jim Devine
- Re: K-waves Yoshie Furuhashi
- RE: Re: over- or under-accumulation? typo alert Mark Jones
- Re: RE: over- or under-accumulation? typo alert Stephen E Philion