Learner driver heads for a great railway disaster 


Simon Hoggart
Wednesday July 4, 2001
The Guardian

The good news is that John Prescott is no longer in charge of transport. The
bad news is that Stephen Byers is. 

Nothing Mr Byers said in his first session of transport questions yesterday
gave the slightest hint that he realises the size of the
problem. Instead, astoundingly, he is thinking of handing over the east
coast main line to Virgin Trains. To Virgin Trains, the
greatest railway disaster since the collapse of the Tay Bridge! 

He didn't even think this was an odd thing to contemplate. "I will give due
consideration to the strengths which have come from
both bidders, and there are strengths belonging to both GNER and Virgin," he
said elliptically. No doubt if Mr Byers employed a
cowboy builder who flooded the kitchen, demolished a retaining wall and made
the master bedroom fall into the garden, he would
cheerfully hire the same man to build his conservatory. 

The even worse news is that he is accompanied by a ministerial team of
spectacular nonentities. I don't want to be rude to
teachers in our new universities, but this lot do resemble the geography
department from an old polytechnic. 

There is a man with thinning hair who yesterday wore a grey suit and brown
shoes. There was another man with a regrettable
moustache. And a woman in a crumpled beige outfit. 

Who are these people? It is hard to say. I assume they are members of
parliament, though given the fictional names so many
constituencies have these days (think of Amber Valley, Wyre Forest, Mole
Valley, Ynys Mon, Wansdyke, Weaver Vale, The
Deepings, Anniesland - these are not real places, but fairy glens) I am not
so sure. They may have been told to wander into the
chamber and let everyone assume they were just elected. 

They have, however, all learned New Labour jargon. For instance, the man
with the regrettable moustache spoke of "the area cost
adjustment context of the white paper which will be published later this
year". He told us that he was considering split bands, and
a fixed cycle for revaluations. He was looking not only at changes in
banding, but also the ratio between bandings (And you may
have thought that a fixed cycle was otherwise known as an exercise bike.) 

The woman in the crumpled beige outfit replied to Gordon Marsden, the Labour
MP for Blackpool South, by talking about
"regeneration strategies due to a single regeneration budget". 

Mr Marsden is too lively and interesting to be a minister, but he's
obviously trying to learn. He talked about Blackpool's "special
needs, due to its 180 degree periphery". This means, I suppose, that half
the place is next to the sea, so it has a special need for
donkeys, Punch and Judy shows, fortune tellers, and buckets and spades.
There must be a single regeneration strategy to provide

Mike Hancock, being a Liberal Democrat, cannot be a minister in this
government, but how he would fit in! He called for
"regeneration expenditure to be spent outside the parameters". 

There was just one sign of hope amid this dreary, sub-fusc reduction of real
issues affecting real people. On Monday no fewer than
three Labour backbenchers asked aggressive questions of David Blunkett,
which is three more than you'd have got at the same
session in the last parliament. 

Yesterday Gordon Prentice of Pendle let rip with an angry assault on the
government's failure even to address the issue of housing.

This is all most encouraging. We have prime minister's questions this
afternoon, and I hope to record more progress in the
direction of less deference. 

Full article at:

Michael Keaney
Mercuria Business School
Martinlaaksontie 36
01620 Vantaa


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