Bah. Electronic instruments. PR nerds.
Here's my contribution to the Lexicon:

Proposed Main Entry: dig·mat·ic
Pronunciation: dig-'ma-tik
Variant(s): also dig·mat·i·cal  /-ti-k&l/
Function: adjective
Date: 2001
1 : revealing hidden meaning
2 : characterized by or given to the use of digmatism <a digmatic critic>
synonym see INSIGHTFUL
- dig·mat·i·cal·ly  /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb
- dig·mat·i·cal·ness  /-ti-k&l-n&s/ noun


"He who digs Los Angeles is Los Angeles."

Curiously appropriate for AMs. I rather like it. Of course, "dogmatic" is
bad, but "digmatic" may be good. --jks

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