>The report forwarded on the Teamsters was written by Greg Tarpinian of the
>Labor Research Association, a group which has been a primary front group of
>the Communist Party with regard to its labor movement work. It continues a
>pro-Hoffa perspective that the LRA and the CPUSA has held since prior to the
>election of Hoffa.
>Why would the CPUSA take a position so contrary to the rank-and-file movement
>in the Teamsters Union?

Leaving aside the Hoffa question for the moment, as far as I know, 
Tarpinian is no longer associated with the CPUSA. As I recall, his 
ex-wife was Gus Hall's secretary, but he split with both the wife and 
the party some years ago. It's quite possible that old habits die 
hard, and that he's taking an anti-Trot position, but I don't think 
it's out of following Party discipline.


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