I regret that Mark has piggy-backed blue-baiting of on top of my chiding. I share a 
number of Doug's cultural criticisms of "the left". I don't think that makes me a 
Republican. My issue with Doug is that he makes his dour observations and then "leaves 
it at that." The implication of the resulting void *could be* reactionary, but doesn't 
have to be so. Assuming that it *is* reactionary rather than merely incomplete is 
another way to limit the possibilities.

What strikes me is that Doug, Michael, Yoshie and Mark offered no response to my 
_programmatic_ reply to Doug. I could be utterly wrong, in which case I would welcome 
the criticism. But I don't think I'm vague or obtuse. Doug wrote (in a subsequent 
message) that the left "has no analytical vocabulary for talking about 'good' times." 
My position is that the left "has" the vocabulary but doesn't use it -- stubbornly 
refuses to use it, refuses to even see that it is refusing to use it. I talked about 
how one might talk about good times and Doug, Michael, Yoshie and Mark didn't respond. 
I talked about the capitalism fun stuff -- leftism hair shirt dialectic and why that 
is so. No reply. I hinted that maybe secretly leftists prefer the drama of struggling 
against insurmountable odds, which basically is where I share Doug's view. No answer.

Mark Jones wrote,

>Good stuff, however I fear a return right back to the womb may be >necessary in the 
>case of some lapsed and possibly born-again Republicans.

Tom Walker
Bowen Island, BC
604 947 2213

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