This was sent to me off list by Michael Pugliese:

>From: Michael Pugliese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Fw: How to Stop Bush Amnesty of 3 Million Illegal Aliens
>Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 07:29:11 -0700
>    Julio Huato, I lurk on alot of Right-Wing lists. Give these nativists a 
>piece of your mind. The reactionaries are going nuts!
>Michael "Howlin' Wolf" Pugliese from pen-l
>----- Original Message -----
>To: Recipient list suppressed
>Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 6:41 AM
>Subject: How to Stop Bush Amnesty of 3 Million Illegal Aliens
>July 17, 2001
>(Washington, DC)  President Bush is considering to grant amnesty to over 3 
>million illegal criminal aliens.  A recent report by Mr. Bush's own 
>officials at the State and Justice Departments has recommended that he 
>circumvent U.S. laws and approve eventual citizenship to millions of mostly 
>Mexican illegal immigrants.  Where is the "compassionate conservatism" for 
>American citizens whose tax dollars line the pocket of these 
>border-runners, lawbreakers and thieves?
>After 8 years of Clintonism, Bush may seem right on many issues, but he is 
>wrong on immigration!  Our President is about to squash our dignity and 
>rights as American citizens in order to pander to the anti-American agenda 
>of Mexican President Vicente Fox, and to the liberal Democrats in Congress. 
>  Did the President and his strategists forget that Al Gore's and Bill 
>Clinton's "Citizenship USA" program in 1996, which registered over 1.2 
>million illegal aliens to vote, allowed the vast majority of their 
>fraudulent ballots in 2000 to be cast for liberal Democrats?
>Help stop this amnesty, and help President Bush understand the virtues of 
>American citizenship.  Please join in taking the 
>following grass-roots action:
>#1   Tell President Bush to reject this illegal alien scheme.  Call (800) 
>303-8332 or (202) 456-1414;  Fax:  (202) 456-2461; Write: 1600 Pennsylvania 
>Ave. NW,  Washington, DC  20500  E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   You 
>can also call Timothy Goeglein, WH Public Liaison, at (202) 456-2930, and 
>Karl Rove, chief strategist, at (202) 456-5587.  These gentlemen give Bush 
>pillow talk on this issue.
>#2   Tell Congress to oppose this measure.  The Bush plan may eventually 
>encompass an even more radical amnesty proposed by Rep. Luis Gutierrez 
>(H.R. 500), which could grant amnesty to as many as 10 million illegal 
>aliens!  Contact your Congressman and tell him to oppose the Bush plan and 
>H.R. 500.  Call the congressional switchboard at (800) 648-3516 or (877) 
>762-8762 or go to .  In the 
>Senate, lackey Phil Gramm is pushing for an expansion of a "guest worker" 
>program, an equally miserable measure that will still grant amnesty to 
>millions of illegal criminal aliens.  Contact your Senators at 
> .
>#3   Visit and sign our Petition on 
>immigration .  We 
>will make your voice heard on Capitol Hill and deliver your petition to the 
>House and Senate Judiciary subcommittees on immigration.
>Help take America back.  This is our country.  Our rights should not be 
>trampled and demeaned by illegal aliens.  Our tax dollars should not fund 
>criminal lawbreaking.  If an amnesty does take hold, this will only lead to 
>a greater invasion of illegal immigrants.  Please take a stand today.  I 
>thank you for your time and consideration.
>Best regards,
>Scott A. Lauf
>Executive Director,
>   #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #
>[NOTE:  If this e-mail is in error, please disregard and/or send message to 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] to be removed from our lists.  We apologize for 
>the inconvenience. is a non-partisan, grass-roots 
>organization. does not endorse or support political 
>candidates or parties.]

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