Jim Devine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

> I know absolutely NOTHING about the content of this case. I know and like 
> Kliman, while I've been on the ed. board of the RRPE and admire their 
> magazine. In this kind of situation, all else constant, my basic, 
> gut-level, instinct is to assume that whoever brings lawyers into the 
> picture is wrong. Lawyers are needed in many situations, I guess, but not 
> in relationships between friends or folks who are supposed to be fighting 
> for similar goals.

I still don't get why the RRPE issued a ban on Kliman. They seem to be 
admitting that it was based on a misunderstanding. But if one issues a ban 
without making sure there is no misunderstanding in the first place, then of 
course the censored one is going to interpret this as malicious. It would seem 
to me that since the RRPE admitted that its ban was based on a 
misunderstanding, it is going to be in a lot of legal trouble. It would seem to 
me that Freeman is right that friends of the RRPE should be encouraging its 
editors to settle this case now before the journal is put under.


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