July 14, 2001


In the balance

MANY economists believe that America's economy has escaped recession and 
may rebound in the second half of this year. But a new paper* by Wynne 
Godley and Alex Izurieta at the Jerome Levy Economics Institute argues to 
the contrary that large, unsustainable imbalances may make a recession 

Mr Godley was among the first to argue that America's boom of the late 
1990s was unsustainable, for two reasons. First, private-sector spending 
was growing faster than income, causing a huge increase in corporate and 
household debt. Second, America's current-account deficit had widened to a 
record 4.3% of GDP. The current-account deficit has been much discussed by 
other economists, but few Americans pay any attention to the private-sector 
financial deficit.

The chart (see article) shows the financial balances of the three sectors 
of the economy over the past 40 years: the external current-account 
balance, the government's budget balance, and the private sector's 
financial balance. This last (calculated as the disposable income of firms 
and households, minus their spending) is also known as private-sector net 
saving, since it is equivalent to saving less investment. By accounting 
definition, private net saving and the budget balance combined must be 
equal to the current-account balance.

The government's shift from budget deficit to surplus has been much 
trumpeted. But far more dramatic has been the private sector's swing from a 
surplus of 5.4% of GDP in 1992 to a deficit of almost 7% late last year. 
Between 1960 and 1997, the private sector was always in surplus.

The unprecedented switch during the 1990s reflects the behaviour of 
households more than of firms. As a result of it, household debt climbed 
from 95% of disposable income in the early 1990s to 124% in the fourth 
quarter of last year.

Mr Godley argues that private-sector net saving will eventually rise 
sharply, as households repair their balance sheets, so driving the economy 
into recession. Plenty of economists disagree. A flurry of recent papers 
has concluded that the household saving rate, properly measured, is a lot 
higher than official figures suggest. If so, fears of a rebound in saving 
may be overdone (see article). But the problem is that these studies look 
at gross saving rather than net saving (ie, minus investment).

Consider some of the supposed reasons why household saving is higher than 
it seems. First, the saving rate as officially measured includes employers' 
contributions to pension schemes, but pensioners' benefits from those 
schemes are not counted in income. In recent years, large capital gains 
have allowed many firms to take a holiday, paying out pensions without 
making contributions. That means that household saving has been 
understated. Yet if the figure was increased to allow for this, it would 
also change firms' financial balance in the opposite direction (as the 
increased pension benefits of households show up as an increased cost for 
firms). Total private net saving would thus be unchanged.

Second, some have argued that household spending on cars and other consumer 
durables should be treated as investment, not consumption, which would lift 
gross household saving. Yet since this would boost both saving and 
investment, private net saving would again be unaffected.

Third, it is argued that capital gains should be counted as saving. These 
do indeed boost wealth, but can be drawn on only if households either sell 
assets or borrow against those assets-and there are limits to both. Debts 
have to be serviced out of income; if everybody tried to realise their 
capital gains by selling shares, prices would crash.

The private-sector financial deficit is therefore a better measure of 
sustainability than gross saving. Indeed, this measure is favoured by the 
International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements. In 
its latest annual report the BIS points out that, in the past, when a 
country's private-sector net saving has fallen sharply below its long-run 
average, this has always been followed eventually by a sharp economic 
slowdown, as the private sector swung back into surplus and spending 
slumped. Examples are Britain and Sweden in the late 1980s, and Japan after 
1990. In the first quarter of 2001, America's private-sector financial 
deficit shrank for the first time. Could this be the turning point?

What goes up...

The authors consider the likely future path of America's financial 
imbalances. Using the latest projections by the Congressional Budget Office 
for the budget balance and GDP growth implies that the private-sector 
deficit would rise to 8% of GDP by 2006, with debt continuing to explode. 
That is clearly unsustainable. Yet, at the other extreme, a turnaround of 
the financial deficit is unlikely to be as severe as it was in Britain 
after 1989, because high inflation then reduced Britain's scope to cut 
interest rates.

America is likely to follow a middle path. If the private sector's balance 
reverts to its historical average within three years, Messrs Godley and 
Izurieta reckon that this would cause a recession this year, with annual 
GDP growth in the five years to 2006 of only 1.1%. Even if the 
private-sector deficit fell by only half, to 3% of GDP, annual growth would 
average only 2% over the next five years.
To keep the three sectors in overall balance, higher net private saving 
must be matched by either a fall in America's current-account deficit or a 
swing in the budget from surplus to deficit. Forget about all those hopes 
of repaying public debt.

* "As the Implosion Begins...? Prospects and Policies for the US Economy: A 
Strategic View". www.levy.org.

Copyright © 2001 The Economist

Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] &  http://bellarmine.lmu.edu/~jdevine

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