
Kyoto could even make things worse
Environmental groups need to accept it is a dangerous con trick

Global warming
Mark Lynas
Friday July 27, 2001
The Guardian

As the chairman's gavel banged down on the table at the climate change 
negotiations in Bonn last Monday, cheers erupted around the hall. Some of 
the loudest cries came from the green groups, many of whom had waited 10 
years for this moment.

"We did it!" delegates said to each other, shaking hands and grinning in 
disbelief. "We rescued the Kyoto protocol," beamed EU Environment 
Commissioner Margot Wallstrom. "Now we can go home and look our children in 
the eye." It was an emotional moment. Which makes it even more difficult to 
take a step back and admit that we were fooled.

Two days ago no one, the world's media included, wanted to poop the party 
by asking awkward questions. But the unpalatable fact is that the Kyoto 
protocol is now more riddled with holes than a piece of Swiss cheese. Not 
only will the so-called climate change treaty not do anything to cut 
greenhouse gas emission levels, it will allow them to climb above 
business-as-usual projections.
It's as if the Kyoto protocol never happened. And what's almost worse is 
that the green groups who originally pushed so hard for a meaningful treaty 
have been left defending an agreement which isn't worth the paper it is 
written on.

The Kyoto deal, struck in 1997, gave industrialised countries a target of 
reducing greenhouse gas emissions (principally carbon dioxide) by 5% below 
1990 levels by 2008-12. But it didn't say how. Since 1997, participating 
countries have been attending annual meetings to decide on the rules for 
implementing Kyoto.

One group of countries, led by the US and including Japan, Australia and 
Canada, have worked diligently for years to weaken the targets by various 
underhand means. These come under the general heading "flexible 
mechanisms", and were pushed through on the grounds that they would help 
ease the pain of carbon cuts in gas-guzzling countries.

One mechanism allowed industrialised countries to trade emissions between 
themselves, so that those meeting the targets could sell carbon credits to 
those falling behind. Russia's economic collapse has reduced its industrial 
greenhouse gas emissions, leaving it with a vast number of "carbon credits" 
to sell on the world market. Then there are the notorious "sinks", which 
allow countries to count carbon absorbed in forests and agricultural land 
towards their targets in the same way as reducing the amount of carbon 
coming out of a factory chimney or a car exhaust.

Add together all the sinks provisions and it turns out that the original 
Kyoto targets for industrialised countries no longer become a cut at all, 
but rise to about 0.3%. And now that the US has decided to pull out of 
Kyoto, there will be far more carbon credits available to buy. The effect 
is increased because countries can then sell their sink credits on the 
emissions markets.

Without the US ratifying, emissions from all the industrialised countries 
(including the US) could rise by between 9.4% and 11.6% above 1990 levels 
by 2008-12. That's even higher than business as usual, predictions for 
which vary from 6.8% to 10.2%. The decisive factor is that, without the US, 
all Russia's carbon credits can be bought up by other major polluters.

It's great news for the likes of Bush and Exxon - they've managed to kill 
off Kyoto without even being involved. The Bush administration was right in 
saying "the Emperor of Kyoto has no clothes", but what they didn't mention 
was that it was their own efforts (and those of the Clinton administration) 
which stripped him naked.

This sorry tale also raises the question of why mainstream environmental 
groups are now supporting an agreement which could be substantially worse 
than the one they dismissed as "junk". The rather lame justification 
provided by Greenpeace is that although inadequate, it provides the 
"essential ladder needed to build global action to reduce greenhouse gas 

Who are they trying to kid? Try thinking of a single international 
agreement which countries have made more strenuous efforts than were 
strictly necessary to implement. Simply hoping that governments won't 
exploit loopholes is stupid. Greenpeace may be right that Monday's 
agreement in Bonn provides a framework to build on, but unless Kyoto is 
given some real teeth at the next international meeting in November, they 
and other green groups should denounce it as the dangerous con trick it has 

The overwhelming weight of scientific opinion is that we need to make cuts 
of 60% or more in carbon dioxide emissions. There's a real danger that as 
the polar ice caps continue to melt and ocean temperatures to rise, global 
warming may spiral out of control. And 10 years down the line, when we 
suddenly wake up and realise that Kyoto was a farce, it may already be too 

• Mark Lynas is writing a book on the human impact of climate change 
Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001


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