August 7, 2001

Productivity Revisions Tarnish New Economy

By Dean Baker

The lower productivity numbers should raise
serious questions
about stock prices.

The second quarter productivity release included
downward revisions to previously released
numbers. These revisions raise serious questions
about the
extent to which the United States really has a
"new economy"
with a qualitatively different productivity growth

The reported annual rate of productivity growth in
the non-
farm business sector from the fourth quarter of
1997 to the
fourth quarter of 2000 (the period for which data
revised), was lowered from 3.24 percent to 2.69
percent. This
is still a significant upturn from the 1.35
percent annual
rate of growth from 1973 to 1995, but much less
than the numbers originally reported.

The data for the second quarter of 2001 showed a
rebound from the first quarter, with productivity
rising at a
2.5 percent annual rate in the second quarter
compared with an
increase of just 0.1 percent in the first quarter.
this turnaround was entirely attributable to a
sharp drop in
the number of working hours reported in the second
According to Labor Department's data, hours worked
fell at a
2.4 percent annual rate in the quarter. The
numbers reported
for hours worked in this data is poorly measured.
It is more
likely that the falloff in hours reported in the
quarter, and therefore the rise in productivity
growth, was
attributable to errors in measurement.
Productivity has
probably been advancing at an annual rate close to
the average
reported for the first two quarters, or 1.3
percent, so far
this year.

The main reason for the downward revisions in the
data was a downward revision in the rate of output
reported for 1999 and 2000. The increase in output
in the non-
farm business sector had originally been reported
as 5.7 and
3.6 percent, respectively. In the new report the
growth rate
of output for 1999 was revised down to 4.9
percent, and to 2.8
percent for 2000. The downward revision to output
was in turn
primarily attributable to a significant reduction
in the
output of software reported by the Commerce
Department in its
GDP revisions last month.

With this report, the new economy years from 1996
to 2000 look
somewhat less impressive. The average rate of
growth over this period was 2.5 percent, compared
to the 2.9
percent previously reported. It is also worth
noting that this
2.5 percent figure somewhat overstates the
increase per hour
in usable output. Productivity is a measure of
gross output
per hour. The output that is actually usable, by
consumers or
firms, is determined by the growth in net output.
difference in the measures is the amount of output
that is
used to replace warn out or obsolete equipment.
Wages and
profits must be generated out of net output, no
one can eat
worn out equipment.

Typically, the increase in gross and net output is
the same. In fact, in the sixties and seventies
net output
actually increased slightly faster than gross
output. However,
in the last five years, there has been a large gap
between the
growth of gross and net output, with gross output
rising at a
rate that is approximately 0.35 percentage points
faster than
net output, on average. This difference is due to
increasing use of computers, which have very short

This means that a productivity measure that
examined the
growth in net output over the period from 1996 to
2000 would
show an annual rate of growth of less than 2.2
percent. This
is still an upturn from the productivity growth
rates of the
mid seventies and eighties, but its far below the
3.0 percent
productivity growth rates of the sixties.

The productivity revisions in this report should
questions among new economy optimists. It is
unlikely that we
will see the sort of rapid GDP and profit growth
that many had
anticipated. This should raise some questions on
Wall Street,
where stocks are still priced as though the
economy will
maintain high rates of growth for the indefinite

The downward revisions may also affect budget
projections. The
Congressional Budget Office assumed that
productivity growth
will average 2.7 percent over the next decade.
With the
revised data, the rate assumed by CBO is now
higher than the
growth rate achieved even at the peak of the boom.
Based on
this new data, CBO is likely to revise down its
projections, and its surplus projections as well.

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