Yesterday, I bought a new notebook computer and today I am ecstatic --
because I took the damned thing back for a full refund! The totalitarian
impulse of Microsoft is hideous, vile and unrelenting. Yesterday, I was
grousing with the clerk in the software department about the MS's outrageous
bundling, forced obsolescence and obscene pricing and the clerk offered to
make me a copy of his StarOffice Suite for free. He also observed that sales
of Office XP were not doing well. Reportedly MS Office accounts for
somewhere between 30% and 40% of MS revenues. The least we can do is boycott
this tyranny.

  We are rapidly moving towards the scenario described
  in RMS' [Richard Stallman, originator of the Gnu
  free software movement] short-story Right to Read.
  But RMS was an optimist. The real world is moving
  both more quickly and much more aggressively. Here
  is a quote from the Microsoft Surveilance System:

Tom Walker
Bowen Island, BC
604 947 2213

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