AUG 17, 2001
Patent Laws May Determine Shape of Stem Cell Research

WASHINGTON, Aug. 16 - As they carry out President Bush's plan for
government financing of embryonic stem cell studies, federal health
officials confront a daunting challenge: United States patent
6,200,806, a claim to the human embryonic stem cell.

The patent, held by a foundation at the University of Wisconsin, is
apparently the only one of its kind in the world, leaving the
university in such a powerful position that next week the health
officials will begin negotiations in hopes of reaching an agreement to
allow federally financed scientists broad access to the cells.

The patent, which covers both the method of isolating the cells and
the cells themselves, gives the Wisconsin foundation control over who
may work in the United States with stem cells, and for what purpose.
In turn, the foundation has granted important rights to a
biotechnology company, the Geron Corporation of Menlo Park, Calif.,
giving that company considerable say over who ultimately profits from
stem cell therapies.

This complex tangle of intellectual-property rights and contracts is
now a pressing concern at the National Institutes of Health, the
agency charged with putting President Bush's plan into effect. Next
week, representatives from the foundation, the Wisconsin Alumni
Research Foundation, or WARF, are to meet with officials at the
institutes to take the first steps toward negotiating access to stem

"I don't want people to see us as an 800-pound gorilla," Carl
Gulbrandsen, the foundation's managing director, said. "We will work
very hard with the government to make sure that there is access to
this technology and that our patents are not an impediment to

But many scientists fear that the foundation's restrictions might
hinder research on cells that hold promise for treating and curing
some of mankind's most devastating diseases. And though legal experts
say it could be challenged in court, the Wisconsin patent could help
push stem cell science overseas.

Mr. Bush said that 60 lines, or self- sustaining colonies, of stem
cells exist in laboratories around the world, and said that under his
program, government scientists would be free to work with any of them.

But the government does not have control over whether those cell lines
get to researchers, according to Mr. Gulbrandsen, federal health
officials and patent law experts. If the cell lines match the
description in the broadly worded Wisconsin patent, these experts say,
their owners must obtain approval from the foundation before
distributing them.

That has scientists worried.

"The whole point of this, surely, is to get good cells into the hands
of researchers," said Dr. Ron D. McKay, who has conducted promising
research on mouse embryonic stem cells at the National Institutes of
Health and is eager to work with the human cells. "I think that it is
unclear, in practice, how easy it will be to get these cells."

As far as experts know, the United States is the only nation to have
issued a patent on human embryonic stem cells. The patent is valid
only in this country; the foundation has also applied for patents in
Europe. And at least two foreign biotechnology companies say their
cell lines may fall outside Wisconsin's claim and have applied for
patents of their own in the United States and elsewhere.

A patent gives its owner the right to exclude other people from
making, using, selling or importing their invention. So "researchers
in other countries have a double advantage," said Rebecca S.
Eisenberg, an expert in biotechnology and patent law at the University
of Michigan. Other nations, notably Britain, have fewer restrictions
on studies of human embryos. And scientists in other countries may
still derive stem cell lines without fear of patent infringement.

President Bush's decision may have strengthened the hands of the
Wisconsin group and Geron. By refusing to allow taxpayer money to
finance creation of new cell lines in this country, Mr. Bush reduced
the chances that scientists would derive and patent cells that might
challenge Wisconsin's dominance in the field.

"What constrains the monopoly power of a patent holder is the prospect
of new technology being developed that will make it unnecessary to
deal with them," Ms. Eisenberg said. "The president's decision limits
that threat."

Embryonic stem cells, extracted from human embryos when they are still
tiny enough to fit on the tip of a sewing needle, are regarded by
scientists as the foundation of a new era of regenerative medicine,
one in which doctors might be able to use the cells to create
replacement tissue grown to order.

Theoretically, the cells can be coaxed in the laboratory to grow into
any cell or tissue - insulin-producing cells to use against diabetes,
for example, or nerve cells that might treat Parkinson's disease.

Studies of embryonic stem cells in mice have been conducted for two
decades, but in 1998, Dr. James A. Thomson, a developmental biologist
at the University of Wisconsin, shook up the stem cell world by
reporting that he had isolated human embryonic stem cells.

As is customary at his university, Dr. Thomson assigned the patent for
his discovery to the research foundation, which had already obtained a
patent on the primate embryonic stem cell, after Dr. Thomson derived
those cells from rhesus monkeys.

In theory, because humans are primates, the patent covered human cells
as well. But the foundation applied for a second patent to make its
claim on human cells explicit. The patent was issued on March 13.

Shortly after Dr. Thomson's discovery, the foundation began
negotiating with Geron, which has contributed roughly $1 million to
Dr. Thomson's research and wanted to commercialize it.

"They wanted all rights," Mr. Gulbrandsen recalled. "We felt it was
too much to expect a small company to develop this technology fully,
and giving them all rights would not be fair to them or the public."

Ultimately, the foundation granted Geron exclusive rights to develop
stem cells into six cell types that are of great medical importance:
liver, muscle, nerve, pancreas, blood and bone. Ms. Eisenberg and
other patent law experts said that those rights, coupled with the
Wisconsin patent, might mean that anyone seeking to develop commercial
applications of stem cells in these six areas must negotiate with
Geron first.

The relationship between the foundation and Geron, however, has become
contentious. On Monday, the foundation sued the company to block
Geron's efforts to extend its commercial rights to another 12
derivative cell types. Geron has not commented on the suit, other than
to say it is prepared to meet with foundation officials to resolve it.

Last week, Geron's chief executive, Thomas Okarma, said he was eager
to begin collaborating with government-financed researchers.

Dr. Okarma said that academic scientists would be free to convert stem
cells into derivative cells of the types its agreement with the
foundation covers. "We would only prevent them from trying to
commercialize them," he added.

So far, Dr. Thomson has developed five stem cell lines, and the
foundation has set up a nonprofit subsidiary, the WiCell Research
Institute, to distribute them. The cells are given to academic
researchers under a "materials transfer agreement"; scientists must
pay WiCell $5,000 and agree to certain restrictions.

The agreements give the foundation - and, by extension, Geron -
control over the derivative cells. One prominent stem cell scientist,
Dr. Douglas Melton of Harvard University, said he would not agree to
such terms. "Those conditions would mean that I am the ideal employee
of Geron," he said. "They don't pay my salary, they don't pay my
benefits, but anything I discover they own."

Now the health institutes will negotiate their own materials transfer
agreement with Wisconsin.. This agreement would cover only those
scientists who actually work at the institutes. Once negotiated,
though, the agreement's terms will become public, and universities may
demand the same terms for their researchers. "Our role, albeit
limited, is very important," said Maria Freire, who directs the
institutes' office that handles such agreements. "We would like to be
able to craft an agreement that allows our scientists to use the
WiCell cells and other cells without being in violation of the patent.
We think that can be done."

Meanwhile, companies in other countries are concerned that, if they
distribute their stem cells in the United States, the foundation might
charge them with patent infringement. Legal experts suggest that the
Wisconsin patent is one reason researchers have said little about many
of the 60 stem cell lines that President Bush said exist around the
world; the owners of those cell lines are probably afraid to come

Those who have come forward say they have developed stem cell lines
that avoid the patent. Alan Robins, chief scientific officer of
Bresagen, in Adelaide, Australia, said his company had derived four
stem cell lines at a slightly later stage in the embryo's development
than Dr. Thomson's cells. They are different enough, Dr. Robins
contended, for his company to win a separate patent.

Another company, ES Cell International in Singapore, said it had six
stem cell lines in its possession. Robert J. Klupacs, the company's
chief executive, said it was evaluating its lines "to see if they fall
within the Wisconsin claim."

He added: "I'd like to think that sanity will prevail and this will
work out in the best interest of all stakeholders. But I imagine it
will take some time to work through."

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