TW: Too much idle chatter about Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Kissinger distracts
from the outrages in front of our faces. Each and every death is singular.
What is horrible about massacre is that it abstracts from this singularity.
The business of throwing around numbers perversely confirms the logic of
abstraction and implicitly 'justifies' reciprocal horrors.

Meanwhile the slaughter continues unabated and is tolerated because each and
every singular death can be discounted as only one-ten millionth as
important as what happened half a century ago "somewhere else". Those who
violate remembrance by such abstraction murder the victims of massacre over

The following forwarded message only alludes to the circumstances of the
death of a woman being punished for welfare fraud. Did Premier Harris of
Ontario desire her death? You better believe it. The sine qua non of recent
welfare reform has been reinstatement of the "incentive" to work or starve
(in another time and place, *arbeit macht frei*). Who would deny that?

Those who would like to comfort themselves with the thought that this case
of welfare fraud is somehow "different" than concentration camps or
policy-induced famines should be reminded that it is only a comfortable
thought and not a substantive one.

Forwarded from post to PAR-L made by Kim Pate, Executive Director of
Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies (CAEFS)

Re:  Death of Kim Rogers - 40 yr old woman who was under house arrest for
'welfare fraud' died during heat wave - she was 8 1/2 months pregnant

Amanda Tadura of our Elizabeth Fry Society in  Sudbury worked closely with
Kim Rogers and has consequently been responding to media.  We appreciate her
diligent efforts to address the issues raised,  during a very distressing

In the interests of interfering in other similar situations -- before others
die -- we need to discuss the broader issues here regarding the context in
which Kim was set up to fail in the first place, regardless of her tragic
and absolutely avoidable death ... She was essentially sentenced to death
for welfare fraud ...

I am referring of course to the fact that she was criminalized in the first
place because of "welfare fraud".  This label and resulting punishment were
applied because Kim attempted to get an education while still on welfare.
As part of the process, she also sought and received student loans.
Although everyone knows that it is impossible to live on welfare without
some supplemental income/support, to be caught doing so means an almost
certainty of criminal prosecution.

Because Kim received student loans while she was receiving social assistance
(misnomer of course), the same province that created the criminally
irresponsible welfare rates, chose to prosecute her for receiving $13,300 in
welfare payments.  She entered a guilty plea, and was consequently convicted
of welfare fraud.  She was then sentenced to a 6 month conditional sentence
[which is supposed to have been an alternative to imprisonment -- and we
should all continue to question why a jail sentence should be attached to
this "offence" in the first place] and a restitution order to repay the
provincial government the full $13,300 in welfare that she had received.
Knowing she would be unable to seek any employment, not only because she was
pregnant, but, most significantly, because one of the conditions of her
sentence was that she could not leave her house -- Ontario then also
terminated her welfare payments.

Although a legal challenge resulted in the reinstatement of her welfare
"benefits", the Ontario government continues to enforce its policy to
terminate benefits and permanently disentitle from receiving welfare anyone
convicted of welfare fraud.  In fact, other provinces are now also following
suit.  In fact, just last week -- before Kim's death -- the media profiled
similar problems in Nova Scotia, after a woman there was similarly convicted
of welfare fraud and sentenced to house arrest and then had her social
assistance terminated.  Other provinces are apparently following suit.

We all must act to interfere with these draconian, destructive and -- we
argue -- illegal practices.  These approaches are not only criminalizing the
poor, but are sentencing them to destruction.  Just exactly how does anybody
think that someone sentenced to a jail sentence in their own home can
support themselves [and their children, in the case of many single and sole
support Moms] after they are permanently barred from obtaining social
assistance.  It is a complete and utter set up.  If they leave their homes
to obtain work or any other means of support, they may be subject to a
further criminal charge of breaching the conditions (ie. the confinement
part of the house arrest) of the conditional sentence.  Such a breach will
automatically result in a jail sentence.  The logic is stunningly absent and
the stupidity abundantly clear.  Who says there is no war against the most
dispossessed, especially the poor?

Increasingly, we are seeing a direct relationship between such policies and
the increased criminalization of the most marginalized, especially young,
racialized and poor women ... This is a significant part of the reason that
we, the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies, have joined with
the Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres to host the October 1-3,
2001 conference, Women's Resistance:  From Victimization to Criminalization.
These issues and welfare  policies will be part of the overall conference
agenda.  More info is available via our website and although we are
organizing with virtually no resources, what we do have, we are using to
subsidize the most dispossessed to participate -- starting with women in and
from prisons and shelters.  Come join us in the struggle against the attacks
on the poor and criminalization of the most dispossessed!

Kim Pate
Executive Director
Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies (CAEFS)
#701, 151 Slater Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 5H3

Telephone:  (613) 238-2422
Mobile:  (613) 298-2422
Facsimile:  (613) 232-7130

Home Page:

Tom Walker
Bowen Island, BC
604 947 2213

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