Dear Chris,
I have been checking my e-mails before I get ready for a business trip that
will last until Friday and saw your mail. I am sorry since I don't have the
time for a lenghty response. I agree with you that this is an important topic
for discussion. As you might have gathered already, I have no problems with
actively participating in and supporting the reform struggles. I plan to
write about my reasons later. Let me say this however: I don't see any
difference between "winning this world" and "saving it".
I am not sure if I will have the time to write this weekend but I will
definitely be back with the list the coming Monday. In the mean time, I hope
this discussion continues on this list without my presence until next week. I
also hope that such a discussion doesn't lead to major fights. Let us see if
you can manage to pleasantly surprise me by not turning this into a major
Best and see you next week,