
A couple of days ago on the Marxism list, Nestor forwarded the message
"Argentina: yes, McDonalds sells shit!" It said:

On August 17th, after an anonymous information received by phone, a
of the City of Buenos Aires Department of Bromatology made tests on
hamburgers (raw as from factory and ready to eat) at four different
sites in 
the McDonalds fast food chain.

Escherichia colli (a toxic microorganism that comes with feces) was
found in at 
least one of the raw products, and one of the cooked ones.

So that, now is official: McDonalds sells shit!

Nestor was not to know how globally true this is...

New Labour: out with the red rose and in with the Big Mac 

Documents show how party is auctioning sponsor slots at conference 

Kevin Maguire

Thursday August 30, 2001
The Guardian 

Tony Blair last night triggered a potentially damaging row over Labour's
increasingly close links with big corporations after it emerged that he
is to attend a £15,000 reception at the party's annual conference paid
for by the burger chain McDonald's. 

It agreed to sponsor the food and drink for 450 guests at a high-profile
event in Brighton to celebrate Labour's 100th conference only after
receiving assurances that the prime minister would attend. 

Hosted by the cabinet minister Charles Clarke, appointed party chairman
by Mr Blair after the election, the invitation-only soiree, on the eve
of the leader's keynote speech, is one of the most controversial
commercial "opportunities" offered by Millbank to raise upwards of £4m
during the week. 

The US corporation, a target of anti-globalisation protesters who plan
to demonstrate outside the conference when it opens on September 30, is
anxious to receive the implied endorsement of Mr Blair and other

Executives initially intended to finance a football stunt within the
conference security complex, but switched when they found that Mr Blair
was unable to make the kickabout. 

McDonald's, advised by lobbyists Weber Shandwick, said a director would
"say a few words" at the reception. A corporate video crew is expected
to film the gathering. The company also raised the possibility of the
prime minister wearing a McDonald's hat, according to a lobbyist with
knowledge of the discussions, but Millbank ruled that out as

The arrangement last night prompted unease within the party's own ranks
amid mounting criticism of the Labour leadership's use of the conference
as a money-spinning convention. 

The Labour MP John McDonnell, a critic of transnational corporations
such as McDonald's, said: "It turns my stomach, I don't know how low we
can sink. It just shows how out of touch the Labour leadership is with
the rank and file of the movement." 

John Edmonds, the head of the GMB who fears unions are being sidelined
in the party, said: "I hope this is not the first step towards renaming
us the McLabour party. If a company is prepared to pay £15,000 for the
privilege of a glass of warm white wine with the prime minister, then it
can afford to pay decent wages." 

A Millbank brochure sent to companies, a copy of which has been obtained
by the Guardian, lists 30 "sponsorship opportunities". It invites firms
to sponsor official fringe meetings involving ministerial teams,
including one on crime with the home secretary, David Blunkett, and
another on education with Estelle Morris. A company adviser approached
by Millbank disclosed that the party HQ was seeking £10,000 to attach a
firm's name and logo to the question and answer sessions. 

Delegates were described as a "captive audience", with the conference's
ambulance service, relaxation zone, WAP phone service, video screens,
recycling bins, gala dinner flower arrangements and a meeting on public
services all up for grabs. 

McDonald's said that it had sponsored other Labour receptions in the
past two years and would also stage events at the Tory and Lib Dem
conferences. "It's an opportunity to talk about our community-based
activities to a big group in one go," a spokeswoman said. 

The Labour party also insisted that the company's involvement was "not
unusual. An official said all parties sought sponsorship without
conceding influence. 

A McDonald's franchise was fined £12,400 last month after admitting 20
offences of illegally employing children aged 15 and 16 at two Surrey
restaurants. The fines, among the highest imposed on for breaking laws
on child working conditions, were levied after a court heard that one
pupil had worked a 16-hour Saturday shift and another until 2am on a

For sale: access to captive audience

Examples of New Labour sponsorship "opportunities" at the party's annual

Chair's reception "NEW! 8pm to late. A major reception celebrating the
100th Labour conference. The event will be hosted by the party chair and
general secretary and will be attended by up to 450 guests in the Hilton
Metropole's Balmoral Suite" Price £15,000 

Policy fringe: education "A question and answer-style event with the
education team" £10,000 

Ambulance service "NEW! Enjoy a positive profile through an association
with the vital emergency service provided by the local ambulance
service" £5,000 

Conference dinner: flowers "Branding opportunity on every flower
arrangement provided for the 700 guests" £3,500 

Relaxation zone "NEW! This increasingly popular relaxation therapy
facility is free for all visitors and delegates. A unique branding
opportunity to a captive audience" £7,500 

Leader's speech video screen "A unique promotional opportunity for the
special video screen provided for hundreds of delegates to watch
leader's speech" £4,000 

Costs are based on the estimates of lobbyists involved in negotiations
with Millbank 

Full article at:,9061,544257,00.html

Michael Keaney
Mercuria Business School
Martinlaaksontie 36
01620 Vantaa


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