>  Now, bitter from three years of battle not just with rival
>  newspapers but also with Canada's left-leaning Prime Minister,
>  Jean Chrétien,

Excuse me?
This huy is as "left" as Tony Blair, or even less so. The liberal party does
nothing to call iself "left", from signing NAFTA to "reconsidering" their stance
on Cuba, to bombing Iraq and Yugoslavia, to boycotting the Durban conference as
"racist" and "anti-semetic" to destroying unemployment insurance, to attacking
agricultural production and going on the offensive against the A-G
movement(s).... etc etc...

I can't take the rest of this article seriously. This blunder is from a
far-right perspective, unfortunately. Black sold the Post and left the country
because it was a loss-leader. When he inaugurated the paper, he said it was just
so that he could shift the spectrum of discussion to the far-right, centre right
dichotomy (such as exists in the USA). He knew it would lose money and it
did/does. He sold it to Izzy Asper, a rank neo-Nazi/Zionist whose editors rant
about needing to whack and expell the Palestinians once and for all- that is
what will teach em to behgave, we are told daily.

Black found a perfectly suitable saviour for his "line" without resorting to
losing further money nor changing the politics of the paper (Asper also owns
some of the major network Television here). There is nothing to celebrate in
Black's departure- save for not seeing his smug little smirk all the time. Joy.


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