>>Ask the DHKC or the TKP ML or the PKK or... and we'll find out what is
>>totalitarian (a horrible, horrible word from the Cold War we seriously
need to
>>exorcise from our vocab)

   "Did somebody say totalitarianism?" S. Zizek, Verso, 2001.
   Macdonald, your geneology isn't correct. Term was in use on the German
Left from the late 20's. See this book blurbed by Doug Kellner and Stephen
Eric Bronner, "The Lost Debate: German Socialist Intellectuals and
Totalitarianism, "by William Jones, University of Illinois Press.
   Also Abbot Gleason book on same published by Oxford University Press, in
the mid 90's, goes into the pre-Cold War history of the concept, as used in
for example, "State Capitalism
or Totalitarian State Economy?" Modern Review 1 no. 4, " 1947, written by
Rudolf Hilferding, in 1940, while in a Nazi camp.Hilferding was author of,
"Finance Capital, " translated by Tom Bottomore.
   Andre Liebich in his book on the Mensheviks from Yale Univ. Press, has
some material on this.
  Also this, "Marxism and totalitarianism : Rudolf Hilferding and the
Mensheviks, " reprinted in Dissent.
Michael Pugliese
Reviewed by Edgar Sims.

This book demonstrates that the concept of 'totalitarianism', which came to
dominate discourse on the USSR during the Cold War, was prefigured in the
1930s by discussions on the left about the nature of fascism and Stalinism.

Trotsky employed the term as early as 1936 (at which point he declared that
the USSR had already been totalitarian 'for several years'), but not as a
sociological category. In the Transitional Programme (1938), he argued that
Stalin's political apparatus differed from fascism only in its 'more
unbridled savagery'.

But the concepts of fascism as a phenomenon of decaying capitalism, and
Stalinism as a new form of exploiting society, were more fundamental than
'totalitarianism'. Later uses of the term lacked great explanatory power
because they did not specify the political economy behind it, and its use
nowadays is even more limited. What is needed is a rounded theory of modern
capitalism which includes developments in the world economy as a whole since
1914. Unpacking the concept of imperialism, which, as Jones points out,
prefigured many of the features associated with totalitarianism, is more
useful theoretical work.

The book's most serious omission is Karl Kautsky's work on Russia. Kautsky
was hostile to the October revolution from the beginning, denying that a
socialist revolution had taken place and affixing the term 'state
capitalism' to the new regime from 1918. By the '30s Kautsky was able to
make criticisms of Stalinism, its terroristic methods and its economic
weaknesses which turned out to be remarkably astute. By the time he died in
1938, Kautsky had certainly written a body of work that gave some
intellectual substance to the notion of 'totalitarianism'.

The book also sheds light indirectly on controversies within the Trotskyist
movement. In 1939, when Trotsky argued with Shachtman and Burnham over
Russia, he had clearly been thinking about theories which equated fascism
and Stalinism. One influence on him which is seldom discussed was Otto
Ruhle, who was also living in Mexico and who worked with Trotsky on an
abridged edition of Marx's Capital. Ruhle had developed his own theory of
state capitalism in Russia as early as 1921, from his perspective as a
council communist. By 1939 he had explicitly equated fascism with Stalinism
(and with Bolshevism), and whilst his critique lacks great depth or rigour,
it may well have prompted Trotsky to take up the issues.

This book nails the Bruno Rizzi myth. It has long been claimed that Rizzi
was the originator of the idea that both fascism and Stalinism represented
the rule of a bureaucratic 'new class'. In fact this idea, in many variants,
was current long before Rizzi produced his particular version. Similarly,
the myth that Tony Cliff invented the theory of state capitalism is laid
bare: discussion of different versions of this concept were commonplace in
the '30s.

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