>Dear Friend,
>We would like to draw your attention to a campaign that has
>recently been launched at the University of Manchester, UK.
>Teaching assistants at the university are casually
>employed with no contract, terms and conditions, poor
>resources and on very different rates of pay depending
>on the department they work in.
>We have set up a 'Justice for Teaching Assistants'
>campaign to resolve these issues. More details about
>the campaign can be found on our new website.
>Please can we encourage you to visit this website and
>sign the cyber-petition? Recently, we have been put
>under an unacceptable amount of pressure by university
>management (via personnel) and we are very keen to
>ensure that our campaign receives significant and wide-
>ranging support.
>Thank you in anticipation of your backing,
>Justice for Teaching Assistants

Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] &  http://bellarmine.lmu.edu/~jdevine

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