. . . and unemployment can't be abolished until capitalism is abolished.

>Jobless Rate Surges to 4-Year High
>By Caren Bohan
>WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. unemployment rate soared to a four-year
high in August as companies hacked 113,000 workers from their payrolls, the
government said on Friday in a startlingly bleak report on the economy.
>The jobless rate climbed to 4.9 percent from 4.5 percent in July, the Labor
Department said. August's big drop in the number of workers on nonfarm
payrolls followed a revised payrolls gain of 13,000 in July that was
originally reported as a loss of 42,000 jobs.
>Job losses in August were especially steep in the beleaguered manufacturing
sector, which has shed more than a million positions since the middle of
last year.
>A big worry among economists was that the higher jobless rate might deal a
crushing blow to consumers, whose spending has held up an otherwise fragile
>``It builds the story toward a recession,'' said Mike Niemira, economist at
Bank of Tokyo/Mitsubishi in New York. ``I think we are in a recession.''

Tom Walker
Bowen Island, BC
604 947 2213

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