The dark sky here is filled with smoke from nearby fires.  The
Governor closed down all state offices, including the
universities.  Reason will surely be a major casualty.  On LBO,
Brad mentioned how easy it is to destroy things.  I was making
the same point in my class last Thursday, saying that it would be
easy to explode a plane into a nuclear reactor or to destroy
water supplies.

In my last note, I did not say that all civil liberties will be
destroyed, only that much of our civil liberties are likely
victims.  I have trouble seeing any good come from out of this.

Think that it will be important for us to have clear answers to
the impending threats.  The spin doctors will certainly use this
to win victories in areas that have nothing to do with terrorism.

I would like to see us much focus is we can muster here on the
list.  I think that I have much to learn in the coming days.


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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