This group is funded by the US and others and supported by Russia and
control only 5 percent of Afghanistan at most. There are conflicting reports
as to whether their leader was killed but he was certainly badly injured.
What is not clear to me is how they were able to carry out the attack since
they are hemmed in, in northern Afghanistan quite a ways from Kabul. Unless
they have rockets with a considerable range or somehow got commandos into
Kabul they could not do this. Reports seem to indicate that missiles were
incoming of some sort. Some have said that the conflict is within the
Taliban themselves. Afghanistan is as adept at splitism as Trotskyists it
would seem. So I agree, it is guesswork. But it is probably not directly the
act of the US or it would have been more massive.

Cheers, Ken Hanly

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 7:18 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:16963] Re: And now the attacks on Kabul

> Chris,
> I don't think these attacks on Kabul are the job of the US. There is a
> in Northern Afganistan, whose name I cannot recall now, fighting against
> Taliban and most likely this is their job. Two days ago their leader, I
> his name was Massoud, was assasinated in a suicide attack by two Arabs and
> is believed according to AP that Taliban, Laden and the Pakistan
> is behind this assasination.
> Of course my guess is no better anybody else's.
> Sabri

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