To the editor:

One horrendous episode was missing from the list of previous terrorist
attacks that appeared in today’s New York Times (2001-9-12: A18) – the
1976 mid-air bombing of a Cuban passenger airliner that claimed the lives
of all 73 people on board.  As President Bush considers retaliation
against not only the organizers of the attacks on the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon, but also against those countries that harbor them, he
might well remember that Orlando Bosch, one of the Cuban exiles connected
to the 1976 bombing, received a pardon from his father George at the
urging of his brother Jeb (a pardon rightly questioned by the New York
Times).  The pardon prevented Bosch’s expulsion from the country and
provided him with safe haven in Florida.  Moreover, Bosch’s comrades
continue to organize deadly bombings in Cuba from their base in Miami.

Joel Andreas

Los Angeles, September 12, 2001

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