David Shemano wrote:
>As I spend way too much of my time reading the posts on the list (and
>occasionally LBO), I am compelled to comment.
>The majority of the comments are what I expected.  Utter moral confusion.

as far as I can tell, for you "utter moral confusion" means disagreeing 
with your hawkish viewpoint. If there is "moral confusion" on pen-l, it's 
because people actually have disagreements about this issue (though 
_everybody_ that I've read denounced the bombings).

>... And I stress we.  The Left faces a dilemma.  The Left worldview, which
>attempts to fit everything into an economic class issue, simply cannot
>process what we are facing.

you forget the importance of gender and ethic/race issues, not to mention 
imperialism, in contemporary leftist thought.

>... Those who are my enemy are attacking the underlying
>platform that both you and I depend upon.  If you do not agree, you are my

that's exactly the way zombie-fanatics like Osama bin Laden think. Anyone 
with doubts is a heretic and thus an enemy. Given what you said elsewhere 
in this missive (that I elided) those heretics should be killed.

Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] & http://bellarmine.lmu.edu/~JDevine

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