"what would i do if i were in charge," is an unfair question because of many
reasons. Nevertheless, we can speculate as to what is the "right" thing to
do. All I can say is that it would be morally right to convene a world court
to examine all the evidence against all parties, including the USA. But once
again, fairness loses its place in the American character when unenlightened
self-interest (false consciousness) takes over, and being a bully on one
hand while selectively giving out candy with the other is the normative

-----Original Message-----
From: Yoshie Furuhashi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 7:28 AM
Subject: [PEN-L:20178] Re: What is to be done about Everything?


>Carrol - I think you are overlooking the demand here. We are dealing 
>with a government doing the wrong thing against terrorist who have 
>killed a lot of people in the U.S. and successfully terrorized them. 
>We are opposed to the evil things this government is doing in 
>response. We need to be able to answer the question: "what would 
>you do if you were in charge?".  People simply will not consider 
>anyone a serious critic who refuses to answer this question.

The subjunctive gives you away.  The question is not serious as it is 
contrary to facts.

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* Student International Forum: <http://www.osu.edu/students/sif/>
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: <http://www.osu.edu/students/CJP/>

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