from MS SLATE'S "Today's Papers" news summary: >The Washington Post, New
York Times, and USA Today lead with the series of three suicide bombs in
Israel this past weekend that killed 25 people and wounded two hundred. The
latest bombing, in the port city of Haifa, killed 15. Hamas claimed credit
for the attacks. The Los Angeles Times leads with the U.S.'s tough talk to
Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat. "It's a moment of truth for Mr. Arafat,"
said Secretary of State Powell, who spoke with the Palestinian leader
yesterday. "I said to him, 'This cannot be just a "We'll round up some
suspects and that'll be the end of it." You've got to go beyond that.'" ...
>Arafat ordered a state of emergency and promised to arrest members of Hamas
and other radical organizations. Israel and the U.S. weren't impressed.
Neither was the Post, which went to press before the late-breaking
development that the Palestinian Authority had actually begun the arrests.
The paper's above-the-fold analysis is headlined: ARAFAT PICKS WORDS OVER
ACTIONS. The NYT, meanwhile, says that Arafat has "accepted the terms" of
what the Times calls "a dangerous test." The papers explain that Arafat may
be trapped because Hamas likely has more support among Palestinians than he
>The papers all go high with President Bush's response to the attacks,
specifically his demands of Arafat, which the NYT says "paralleled" the
President's demands of the Taliban. "Chairman Arafat must do everything in
his power to find those who murdered innocent Israelis and bring them to
justice," said Bush. If Arafat doesn't crack down sufficiently, he risks
political isolation and, says the Post, being kicked out of the territories
or even killed by the Israelis.
>The NYT, in the 17th [para]graph of its lead, mentions one potential
consequence of the bombings: The U.S. will probably hold-off on any
potential showdown with Iraq. "We just can't overload the circuits," said
one official.<
Methinks that the US victory against Afghanistan is allowing the US power
elite to spread its ethic of vigilantism more widely (even if it protects
Iraq for a bit). It's now moving to agree with Ariel Sharon's approach in
occupied Palestine, which then encourages the worst of the Palestinans to
counterattack, which encourages Sharon... for ever & ever, a new type of

One things the hubristic power elite misses is that by attacking Arafat,
they are strengthening Hamas. The latter's strength has risen as the Arafat
and the relatively secularist PLO have proven themselves to be corrupt,
ineffective, and authoritarian, clinging to little bits of power. People
upset with Israel's bloody occupation turn to Hamas and the like. 

The world is going to hell in a handbasket... The retribution for the US
elite's hubris is likely to come back to kill some of its subjects (i.e.,
us), as with 911.

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