John Bellamy Foster, "Imperialism and 'Empire'," _Monthly Review_ 
53.7 at <>.

... The term "Empire" in [Michael] Hardt and [Antonio] Negri's 
analysis does not refer to imperialist domination of the periphery by 
the center, but to an all-encompassing entity that recognizes no 
limiting territories or boundaries outside of itself. In its heyday, 
"imperialism," they claim, "was really an extension of the 
sovereignty of the European nation-states beyond their own 
boundaries" (p. xii). Imperialism or colonialism in this sense is now 
dead. But Hardt and Negri also pronounce the death of the new 
colonialism: economic domination and exploitation by the industrial 
powers without direct political control. They insist that all forms 
of imperialism, insofar as they represent restraints on the 
homogenizing force of the world market, are doomed by that very 
market. Empire is thus both "postcolonial and postimperialist" (p. 
9). "Imperialism," we are told, "is a machine of global striation, 
channeling, coding, and territorializing the flows of capital, 
blocking certain flows and facilitating others. The world market, in 
contrast, requires a smooth space of uncoded and deterritorialized 
flowsŠimperialism would have been the death of capital had it not 
been overcome. The full realization of the world market is 
necessarily the end of imperialism" (p. 333).

Concepts such as center and periphery, these authors argue, are now 
all but useless. "Through the decentralization of production and the 
consolidation of the world market, the international divisions and 
flows of labor and capital have fractured and multiplied so that it 
is no longer possible to demarcate large geographical zones as center 
and periphery, North and South." There are "no differences of nature" 
between the United States and Brazil, Britain and India, "only 
differences of degree" (p. 335).*

Also gone is the notion of U.S. imperialism as a central force in the 
world today. "The United States," they write, "does not, and indeed 
no nation-state can today, form the center of an imperialist project. 
Imperialism is over. No nation will be world leader in the way modern 
European nations were." (pp. xiii-xiv). "The Vietnam War," Hardt and 
Negri state, "might be seen as the final moment of the imperialist 
tendency and thus a point of passage to a new regime of the 
Constitution" (pp. 178-79). This passage to a new global 
constitutional regime is shown by the Gulf War, during which the 
United States emerged "as the only power able to manage international 
justice, not as a function of its own national motives but in the 
name of global rightŠ.The U.S. world police acts not in imperialist 
interest but in imperial interest [that is, in the interest of 
deterritorialized Empire]. In this sense the Gulf War did indeed, as 
George Bush claimed, announce the birth of a new world order" (p. 

Empire, the name they give to this new world order, is a product of 
the struggle over sovereignty and constitutionalism at the global 
level in an age in which a new global Jeffersonianism -- the 
expansion of the U.S. constitutional form into the global realm -- 
has become possible. Local struggles against Empire are opposed by 
these authors, who believe that the struggle now is simply over the 
form globalization will take -- and the extent to which Empire will 
live up to its promise of bringing to fruition "the global expansion 
of the internal U.S. constitutional project" (p. 182). Their argument 
supports the efforts of the "multitude against Empire" -- that is, 
the struggle of the multitude to become an autonomous political 
subject -- yet this can only take place, they argue, within "the 
ontological conditions that Empire presents" (p. 407).

So much for today's more fashionable views. I would now like to turn 
to the decidedly unfashionable. In contrast to Empire, István 
Mészáros' new book Socialism or Barbarism represents in many ways the 
height of unfashionability -- even on the left.* Instead of promising 
a new universalism arising potentially out of the capitalist 
globalization process if only it takes the right form, Mészáros 
argues that the perpetuation of a system dominated by capital would 
guarantee precisely the opposite: "Despite its enforced 
'globalization,' capital's incurably iniquitous system is 
structurally incompatible with universality in any meaningful sense 
of the termŠ.there can be no universality in the social world without 
substantive equality" (pp. 10-11)....

..."[T]he capital system is articulated as a jungle-like network of 
contradictions that can only be more or less successfully managed for 
some time but never definitively overcome" (p. 13). Among the 
principal contradictions that are insurmountable within capitalism 
are those between: (1) production and its control; (2) production and 
consumption; (3) competition and monopoly; (4) development and 
underdevelopment (center and periphery); (5) world economic expansion 
and intercapitalist rivalry; (6) accumulation and crisis; (7) 
production and destruction; (8) the domination of labor and 
dependence on labor; (9) employment and unemployment; and (10) growth 
of output at all costs and environmental destruction.* "It is quite 
inconceivable to overcome even a single one of these contradictions," 
Mészáros observes," let alone their inextricably combined network, 
without instituting a radical alternative to capital's mode of social 
metabolic control" (pp. 13-14).

According to this analysis, the period of capitalism's historic 
ascendance has now ended. Capitalism has expanded throughout the 
globe, but in most of the world it has produced only enclaves of 
capital. There is no longer any promise of the underdeveloped world 
as a whole "catching-up" economically with the advanced capitalist 
countries -- or even of sustained economic and social advance in most 
of the periphery. Living conditions of the vast majority of workers 
are declining globally. The long structural crisis of the system, 
since the 1970s, prevents capital from effectively coping with its 
contradictions, even temporarily. The extraneous help offered by the 
state is no longer sufficient to boost the system. Hence, capital's 
"destructive uncontrollability" -- its destruction of previous social 
relations and its inability to put anything sustainable in their 
place -- is coming more and more to the fore (pp. 19, 61).

At the core of Mészáros' argument is the proposition that we are now 
living within what is "the potentially deadliest phase of 
imperialism" (the title of the second chapter of his book). 
Imperialism, he says, can be divided into three distinct historical 
phases: (1) early modern colonialism, (2) the classic phase of 
imperialism as depicted by Lenin, and (3) global hegemonic 
imperialism, with the U.S. as its dominant force. The third phase was 
consolidated following the Second World War, but it became "sharply 
pronounced" with the onset of capital's structural crisis in the 
1970s (p. 51)....

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