>Despite the fact that the government has lowered interest rates to 
>ridiculous levels, bank lending actually fell in Japan in November.
>To interpret which evidence it is not sufficent to be a radical 
>Keynesian. One must be marxist.
>Chris Burford

very interesting article in nyt a week or two ago. japanese banks 
presently have massive holding in govt bonds. if govt were to attempt 
to overcome so called liquidity trap by radical inflationary monetary 
policy (as left of center krugman recommends) or big new 
debt-financed expenditures, banks may be forced to sell off their 
thereby devalued bonds. This would could further weaken the banks 
since at present the return on bonds are helping to keep the banks 
solvent. In short, it seems that the fragile banks' dependence on 
their holdings of govt bonds puts limits or would render 
counterproductive a radical keynesian solution to what is 
characterized as a liquidity trap.


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