As we learn more about Richard Reid, I highly recommend the movie My 
Son the Fanatic. I was lucky enough to have had dinner with Hanif 
Kureishi last year. While most people I know were disappointed with 
the movie and Kureishi's dark and immoralist vision--he's too 
Westernized for some--I found the movie quite compelling.
In the face of his son's grotesque fundamentalism which at least to 
me was subtly depicted in some sense as a horrific reaction to the 
paternalism of his white fiance's family , the father becomes a 
fundamentalist liberal in some ways. He seems unaware of any reason 
why the liberal beliefs which he espouses would ring hollow to his 
son.  The movie is from the father's perspective; he is 
sympathetically portrayed as his fanatic son assaults his liberal 
beliefs in ever more violent and hateful ways. Kureishi does seem to 
have got wrong the nature of the fundamentalists' beliefs, however. 
They now seem to have had bigger goals in mind than the burning down 
of a house of prostitution.

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