as often is the case, I wonder what is worse--that the Deomorats don't understand the 
wrongheadedness of the claim that the disappearance of the surlus is the cause of the 
economic troubles or that they know that is not right but are saying it for political 
reasons.  Either way, they are sickening.  As I heard someone remark, it looks like 
they've already conceded the next Presidential term to Bush.  And where will the Dems 
be by the end of Bush's second term? Isn't there one Dem who believes it makes sense 
to promote economic recovery?  It is not as though the Repubs have some correct 
understanding and are offering the right solution. They could split with the DLC and 
still distinguish their proposal from that of the Repubs.

we handed out a five-point plan around at the mtgs in Atlanta:

1) $150 bil payroll tax cut split evenly between employers and employees

2) $125 bil in infrastructure investment

3) speed up of the $100 bil tax cut

4) $150 bil for guaranteed govt jobs

5) $75 bil for education, health care, child care, and other social spending

That's a $600 bil program, $250 bil in tax cuts and $350 bil in new spending.

I loved watching Gordon Tullock's eyebrows as he read it. (He showed up at a Post 
Keynesian/Marxist URPE session--stayed for most of it.)


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