Karl Carlile (Communist Global Group)
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I received the following posting. I have forwarded it to various

----- Original Message -----
From: "charles mosanga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 3:24 PM
Subject: confidential

attn: Karl Carlile

I am sending this message to you with the hope thayou
will understand it's content and as well
co-operate,as it will opportune us the privillage  to
establish mutuality and do to one another a life time
favour.I got your contact from your country web.
I am Charles  Mosanga UGANDAN national.I do not intend
to take you too much aback but ,I belive if you
listen to the B.B.C. news or if you are conversant
with the political events in Africa, then you should
be aware of the  assasination of the
President Laurent D. Kabila ,on tuesday the 16th
of january 2001.
This assasination was executed by my half brother
COL.RACHID KAPENGA who's father  hails from Congo.He
was thepersonal bodyguard to the President.Prior
to the president's death, my brother  had surmmoned me
and my mother to our family home in KAMPALA the
Capital city of my Country .He showed to me
certificate of deposit and other valuable documents
belonging to a security company based in LOME the
Capital city of  TOGO  inWest-Africa. He further
disclosed to me that the President had secretly
deposited the sum of Thirty Eight Million  Seven
Hundred Thousand United States Dollars($38,700,000.00)
Without revealing to the security offcials the true
contents of the consignment as it was  deposited  as a
trunk box containing valuable and top secret
governmental documents. He said the president had
instructed him to quickly go to Lome and claim this
money and hand it over to his friend president Charles
Taylor of Liberia West-Africa for the purchase of
ammunition to strengthen the military
force of the  Congo Army, following a percieved
attack from the opposition forces of the United Anti
Kabila Front .
However,my brother was the president's most trusted
guard and this gave him a direct access to the
president's family  and fortunately and as God
will have it, a member of the Kabila family who was
very close to my brother had earlier informed my
brother that Mr Kabila was planning a massacre
on all his opposition and might certainly  extend to
all his guards as he intends employing new ones for
fear that his guards are too close to his family
and as well know too much about his secrets.  This is
why my brother visited us in Uganda to hand us these
documents and ask us to go to LOME and claim
this money for our own use without telling us what his
next intentions were as he was so much in a hurry to
go back to Congo.I had barely arrived Lome when my
mother called me to inform me that my brother went
back and killed his boss,  President Laurent D.
Kabilla and  as such he was equally killed by other
guards who did not know what my brother knew.
Now, with the new developement at hand no other person
knows about this except my mother and myself and I
intend to transfer these funds out of here as fast as
I can that is why I am contacting  you.
If you are willing to assist me get these funds into
your Country, I am willing to offer to you 15% of
thetotal sum.
I have succeeded in aquiring a mobile phone .
Therefore,you can contact me on the telephone numbers
(+228 9 035 155) or you can contact me on
I await your soonest response.
Thanks and God bless.
C. Mosanga

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